Unable to control dim rate with ZEN32

Not surprised, this isn't listed in the manual.

Maybe this is a firmware update request for Agnes...

I'm very open to other ideas too. I'm not 100% sure that this specific functionality would accomplish my goal: being able to use the Zen32 to dim/brighten the Zen72 at the same rate that the physical dimmer on the Zen72 operates. Kind of just throwing darts here hoping I can figure this out.

Hi just chiming in here that I wrote the driver you are possibly using for the ZEN72. Yes the parameter you are looking for was left out of the ZEN7X units, not sure why. I have a ZEN77 installed and a ZEN32 on my desk for testing (have not decided where to put it yet). I can see the value of having this ability. Looking at the manual for the ZEN32 the best way to achieve this might be with the associations. If that doesn't work I am sure something can be done in the driver to get it to work correctly.

Which button # are you trying to use for this? I can try a couple things out in the next few days and see what I can get to work.

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Yep, agreed. :smiley: I'm guessing that if we wanted full support that parameter/ability would need to be added to the firmware or something. The older models have it so who knows, maybe it's possible here too.

I thought so as well, but from what I've been told you can't set up associations in Hubitat. I've ordered a SmartThings hub and a Z-Wave USB stick to plug into my Home Assistant setup, so one way or the other I'm going to get those associations set up (will update once I've got that running).

All of them, honestly, but for purposes of testing if you just want to play around with button 5 (the big, main one) that would be a great start.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for your work on this and your help. Seriously - the community here is amazing.

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Itā€™s up to the device and driver afaik. Associations are created on the device itself and work independently from the hub. The downside is that devices donā€™t tell the hub when they are turned on/off/etc by associations with other devices.

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Wrong, setting associations in Hubitat is possible if you have a driver that supports it. This driver I ported from ST can set any associations. It is a little rough around the edges yet, but it works.

For button 5 looks like you would want to set BOTH group 2 and 3 to the DNI of the ZEN72. According to the directions that should turn it on/off with a press and adjust the level with holding. Not sure how fast the level will adjust though? Need to test it.

They might (should?), I think that would depend on the device. If the device has the Grp1 lifeline association and it is ZWave Plus it should report to the hub any state changes.

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This tool works for many devices, but for others may need some code added to their driver:

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Just FYI the Inovelli association app does NOT work for any of my Zooz drivers. I have considered adding support though, as I do like the app.

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Apparently my GE z-wave plus dimmers donā€™t have any lifelines :smiling_face_with_tear:
I do have some Zen 77s and Zen 34s that Iā€™m in the process of setting up as soon as I finish the Master Bath remodel, so this may be something useful for my application.

If they talk to the hub when you manually toggle the switch then they probably have the Group 1 association (thats how they know what device to send the reports to). I am pretty sure when I have tested associations on my Zooz stuff they receiving device sends a report to the hub of the state change. Seems odd a device would not, If you send a zwave command from the hub I assume it pings back the new state? But maybe not, maybe the driver is requesting the state back right after it changes it. Or maybe the device only sends a reply back to the device it got the command from. Either way, seems like a firmware glitch to me.

Donā€™t know. I just know that they aend state changes for everything except when changes happen due to associations with other dimmers. I have some associations set up because they respond faster than using the hub. I just have rules that run as well to update the hub.

Edit: Iā€™m using group 3 associations (double tap) btw.

The Groups are not standard, so for Zooz group 3 usually is for dimming. Anyway, I had to test now because I wanted to make sure I recalled it correctly. Set an association on my center light to the counter light and it all got logged correctly. The counter light reported to the hub as soon as it changed.


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Update: just tested this out (using your ZWave Tweaker - thank you!) and though I got the associations working correctly - meaning the buttons controlled the on/off and dimming functionality as you described - the dim rate when using the Zen32 is still linked to the Zen72's ramp rate. Meaning that the physical dimmer on the Zen72 operates at a different dim rate than the Zen32 that's associated with it.

I will have to do some further testing on it myself to see what is really going on. What do you have Param #9 and #16 set to on the ZEN72? And what rate do you want it to dim when holding the ZEN32 buttons?

One way or another this can work. Might need Zooz to fix something in the firmware. Might be able to work around it with some driver code for now as well.

Param 9 is set to 0, param 16 is set to 5.

What I want to do with the Zen32 is assign each of the 5 buttons to control another light (or ideally, multiple lights). For each of those buttons:

  1. Press once to toggle the light between 0/100% instantly.
  2. Hold to slowly dim the light over 5 seconds.

This is the way that the Zen72 operates with param 9 = 0 and param 16 = 5. I want to mimic that same functionality remotely via the Zen32.

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Ok I think I got this. Scrap the associations idea, set them back to blank, it wont work the way Zooz has the ZEN72 firmware setup. It would probably work going to a ZEN2x unit though with param #17 set to 1. I will have to send them in some bug reports based on this thread to get it working correctly eventually. @agnes.zooz

I added the startLevelChange and stopLevelChange to my dimmer driver. My ZEN77 I tested on did not honor the the dimmingDuration setting so I did a little hack where it temporarily changes the rampRate #9 to match the dimming speed #16 and then sets it back again. I had to put in a 600ms delay for this to work. The LED on your switch will flash a few times when you use this command from the param change. Seems like the dimming down is much smother than the dimming up but it might just be the cheap bulbs I am using, it does the same thing when I hold the dimmer paddle.

So... you should be able to set the startLevelChange(up/down) on the button hold, and stopLevelChange on button released, and it will work!

I posted it to a development branch on my GitHub (not in HPM yet). Click the "Raw" button to get pure code for copy/paste or import.

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Thank you for adding this feature and sharing the solution here @jtp10181! If there's any work on the firmware we need to complete to make it work better going forward, please send the points to me and we'll make it happen.


Since its a little tricky to get the one button to go up and down for dimming here is my button controller I setup for the on/off and dimming. Also I was having issues with it still going at the 1 sec rate so I adjusted the delay on my end from 600ms to 1000ms, let me know if you find the same thing I can post it with that change.

@calcubot5000 just curious if this solved the problem?

@jtp10181 It sure did - just got everything up and running this weekend, and it's working like a charm. I owe you a HUGE thank you; this is great.

Longer term I agree with you that it would be great to get this functionality built in to the Zen72 natively, but I'm guessing that would take some firmware jiggling so I'll just keep my fingers crossed for now. :slight_smile:

Again, thank you!