Unable to add new Device to Google Home

I was trying to add a new Virtual Switch to Google Home today and it is not able to be added. I added the switch to the Google Home Hubitat app, then refreshed the Google Home phone app, and it doesn't show up. When I go back to the Hubitat GH app, the switch is no longer on the list of checked devices. Is this related to Cloud endpoints not working?

I do not want to unlink my Hubitat account from GH and reconnect as I'm afraid it will not reconnect and will break all my voice activated automations. I've rebooted the hub and my HE is updated to the latest version:

UPDATE: I left it alone for about 30 min and ate dinner. When I checked the GH phone app again, the switch was there. This still isn't working as intended, as when I've added these in the past I created the device, added it to the Hubitat GH app, and it was immediately available in Google Home (after a refresh).

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