Ubiquiti router recommendation

Eh, my home router was about $500. But I needed 6 NICs total (2 WAN, 4 LAN) for my Untangle install, which automatically puts it in a different price point.

My point is that depending on needs, $500 isn't that crazy any more for home use.

Perhaps, if you have the kind of money to spend on a router. I don't. I'll stick with my $60 router that I don't really like, but works leaves me with $440 in my bank account.


When I rebuilt my whole network I think I spent about 500. AP switches and router

$500 if it included the access points wouldn't be too bad. For just the router it seems excessive.

I hear ya... No argument.

I made this complex home network... I did it to myself, so I shouldn't complain.


I have an ER-X arriving today for me to try out the multi wan feature at a much lower cost than my other options. My internet speeds are mediocre.

No VLANs? I get the 2 physical WANs, but 4 LANs? I have a number of LAN segments, but most are carried on VLANs...

Same...two VLANs (main, and IoT) and third LAN segment for management/direct access.

Each of my lan is a vlan. However, I route a lot of traffic between them, so didn't want to just use 1 or 2 NIC, even LAGGed, as it slows what I'm doing down (at least at peak usage).


semi off topic, but does anyone know of a Unifi device that can be used as a 'media changer' (to grab a wireless signal and convert it back to Ethernet.) other than the Mesh Pro AP (too large) and the dedicated wireless bridge (over priced for this deployment)? I'd love to see something like the beacon with a Ethernet jack for data output, but I cannot find anything that fits the bill.

I have used a loco m2 ap in the past in bridge mode for a camera that was in a garage with metal siding. If you have an old router you may be able to put it in bridge mode and use the Ethernet ports. DDWRT and tomato firmware support bridge mode as well if you are able to get a 3rd party firmware on the old router.


What about the UAP-AC-M in bridge mode with a switch on the eth port?

@eibyer does that device do bridged mode? If so that would work. I looked in the quick start guide and only the pro listed bridge mode, which is why I figured I asked before a just spent money shipping/returning parts all around.

@bpspiller I have plenty of non-unifi device that can do it (I use tp-link mostly for residential extenders, which can do it too), but I was looking for something in the unifi family so we get all the routing charts in the software diagram.

I have a new one by my desk, I'll confirm when I get back in from lunch.

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Mail it to me and I'll check for you for free. I may take a while getting it back to you... :wink:

The UDM (non pro) includes access point and is under $500 CAD so that's probably sub $300 USD.

If 4 NIC's LAGGed is slowing you down, wouldn't you be better served with a single 10g connection? Even dual 10g NIC's are fairly cheap on E-Bay. My server has 4 NIC's, I threw in a 10g card and could't be happier.

Very close! $312 on Amazon today...

The problem (for someone like me) w/the UDM is you need to want the AP to be where the UDM is for it to work well...if you get better coverage having the AP in a different location from the UDM, and only need one AP, then you start "wasting" money buying an addtional AP. In my case my AP is in a different room from the my ER12 router, which is in an office w/tons of electronic equipment and other Faraday-like stuff that doesn't help w/my Wi-Fi coverage. In general I always want the ability to choose placement of my AP(s) rather than have them physically attached to my router. Different strokes...

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My issue with All-in-Ones (and this goes for most AiO devices) it all comes in together, and it all goes in the trash together. 9 times out 10 if one things fails the entire thing fails. When talking about my networks backbone, that is too big basket for all my precious eggs. I personally prefer to have the controller (cloud key), routers, switches, APs all separate not combined.

But that does not stop us from deploying it to clients that want the price point and understand the AiO issues.


Plus the NanoHD looks great attached to the ceiling in the living room. Even my wife noticed it and commented that it looked cool. That just does not happen w/her and tech equipment. :wink:

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10Gb would be better. None of my UniFi switches have 10Gb ports though, and I've no interest in buying new switches.

In any case, on my old router is would have been a 2xLAGG by the time I use 2 NIC for the WAN side. I won't run WAN and LAN together in the same trunk, ever. Just a personal opinion/choice.