Ubiquiti router recommendation

My Edgerouter (ER3-Lite) hasn't been rebooted in years....and frankly, neither my Cable Modem nor my XFinity router have required it either. Seems a strange comment from the Cable Tech.

I haven't tried IPV6 on my ER3, but it seems strange to me that DHCPv6 would stop running on the ER because you rebooted the cable modem...or am I misunderstanding what you're saying here?


That gave me an excellent idea for my UDMP driver... if I can find where it says the WAN is good, I can flag that. Right now I have just been using it for presence detection for our smartphones but that would be another good use case.

If Internet down then power off plug that the cable modem (or other device) is plugged into, wait 30 seconds, and power it back on to see if a reboot helps. If still down after that, raise an alert (on a dashboard or status lighting for example).

Side note in the U6 Mesh... It is beta hardware and software, so I'm not complaining, this is just an FYI.

On my U6 Mesh, when the client load goes over about 20 devices it will sooner or later start spewing kernel errors and in the next 4-8 hours crash and reboot. Has happened maybe 10 times to me.

So it is back in the drawer for now, and the nanoHD back in service.

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Has anyone migrated from a USG and cloud key to the UDM Pro? Debating whether I want to try and migrate or just rebuild from scratch.

Depending on how much work their is. I migrated with not much problem. I would start from scratch if my a basic setup. I don't have a complex setup but too many firewall rules, Vlan and static ip devices.
See post 245 above for guide on migration.

Yes i was talking about my cable modem requiring the reboot. Again i am not sure if this is still going to be the case with it in bridge mode. I think i will monitor and see if the condition arises first.

Yes @danabw, my ER-4 router is solid and i have made sure it is on the latest FW from ui.com

I may not have stated it clearly enough in my original post.

Correct, when i reboot my cable modem, the IPv6 tunnel does not get restored through the router - only the IPv4 tunnel comes up.

To tell you the truth i am not sure if i ever had this running when i was just using the cable modem as a router or not.

Tried using the commands in the CLI window on the edgerouter:
release dhcp interface eth0
renew dhcp interface eth0

And i am going to have to repeat this procedure to confirm, but i believe the eth0 did get the IPv6 assigned, but eth1 did not. Maybe i just need another command on eth1 after this.

BUT then i was wondering about Telnet and just though i would throw out the question. I have been reading a little more about the Telnet interface on the ER-4 and i am not sure at this point, but the Telnet interface 'may' be limited to the console port.

Background - why i installed a router

Two months ago i was having connectivity issues (finally resolved after six weeks and the cable company finally swapping out the box down the street). Of course step one of any ISP issue is to reboot the modem. At the beginning this appeared to 'fix' the issue so over the course of a week it was happening quite regularly. It's a real PIA when the DHCP host goes away and you can talk to anything on your network (including the IoT/tasmota devices that HE controls. So i bought a ER-X and after a week upgraded to a ER-4.

Why i want to have IPv6 running

Last week my son (21 yr old now home again after graduating college) said when he is hosting a game server, others are getting lags. That's not the word he used but that's how i heard it. Digging in a bit IPv4 of course uses NAT. Not a surprises, i knew this. On my ER-X i had offloaded this to HW but with the extra uP power in the ER-4 i didn't think it was necessary so i enabled it. This improved the issue.

Then more reading and i realized that using IPv6 doesn't require NAT (of course). Yeah overall the packet is a little more top heavy, it decrease route time. More reading to figure out the DHCPv6 "to PD or not PD" and my ISP supports it so i got that setup as well. I am still not 100% sure on the /48 or /56 or /64. I believe my ISP supports /64 but i was getting an out of range error so dropped back to /56.

So the 'lag' complaints are now gone. all good.

Unifi 6 Lite AP in stock

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You are not helping during Xmas season spending! :crazy_face:

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Looks like they moved it out of the early access store too, so maybe that means they’ll be able to keep it in stock more consistently now.

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Waiting for a Long Range one to come available... since the old Long Range module I have is about to EOL it looks like.

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I migrated from a USG to a UXG-Pro recently. Took a few hours to figure out, but not terrible. My problem was that my controller is on a different subnet than the router. I had to move my controller over to the default subnet ( and then it worked without issue. The UDM has the controller built in, so you’ll mostly have to worry about transferring all your settings to the new controller.

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Thanks for the idea about checking the internet status. Found just the thing in the API so now I have the current health of the wlan, wan, www, lan, and vpn in my device.

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Have you shared your progress yet? I would love to test it for you.

I have not made a thread yet... But it seems pretty stable so I might post one tomorrow. Thanks for asking, it is a good reminder.

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Just a heads up for UDM users... I recently upgraded my UDM base (i.e. non-pro model) from 1.7.2 to 1.8.3. I was running for a week or two and today we noticed a few issues. I lost the ability for iOS devices to connect to my Homebridge server, and Airprint stopped behaving correctly for our Brother laser printer.

I eventually downgraded to 1.7.2 on the UDM, and restored the appropriate Controller backup. Afterwards, both the Homebridge and Airprint problems were immediately resolved.

I cannot say definitively if the problem is caused by 1.8.3, or if I tweaked some settings in 1.8.3 that caused the issues. I did verify that mDNS was still enabled, and that nothing was set to block multicast traffic between the WiFi network and the LAN.

If anyone is running 1.8.3 on a UDM base or UDM pro, and Homebridge is still working properly, I'd be interested to know this.


Here is the thread to my UDMP driver:


Great addition to the community, @snell. :slight_smile: Very nice of you to make this available.

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UDMP migration was successful over the weekend, only issue is that I can’t get the sfp+ port to work between my usw-24-Poe and the UDMP. Forcing the port to 1gbps gets me a link light on the switch, but the udmp refuses.

Otherwise was smooth sailing, ended up building everything from scratch.


a few months ago in this thread, i pondered whether to buy a uxg pro to replace my older usg 3p. i did want one since i already had a ck2+. unfortunately, the decision was made for me about an hour ago when my ck2+ unexpectedly died. i did not want to shell out $ for both uxg pro and a replacement ck2+ so i went with the udmp which should arrive in a couple of days.


Sorry to hear about the Cloud Key failure. I do hope you'll enjoy the UDMpro. I have been very pleased with my UDMbase thus far.

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