Hi, I have purchased TUYA XYZ02 16a smart in wall micro switch but cannot find drivers for it. has anyone developed one? it says that TUYA and hubitat are now working closer.
I see no mention of it anywhere in this forum and it's not on the Compatible Device List . . . hopefully someone else knows!
Eric agree, everything but.
Please post the device information as seen in the web page 'Data' section.
"TUYA XYZ02 16a" does not identify the device.
No, this is just free text printed on a label. What uniquely identifies any Zigbee device is this :
This Data is available on the device page in HE
The highest chance to have it working in HE is probably this driver: Zemismart Zigbee 1/2/3/4 gang light switches - #36 by kkossev
Actually, did you try the HE inbuilt 'Generic Zigbee Switch' driver? A lot of these switches should work with the standard HE drivers, you just need to manually assign the generic zigbee driver, hit 'Configure' and test it.
- manufacturer: _TZ3000_tqlv4ug4
- model: TS0001
Driver worked, very grateful. Nick.
You are welcome!
If you ever need to search for a HE driver for another device, you can always try the forum Search option - put the Manufacturer, or the Model for non-Tuya devices :
Often you will find useful information for the same device being already discussed in the forum.
KK, I hope you don't mind me asking another question.
I have a single push Tuya smart botton - it says it is a TS004 however it is a scne button but only 1 button not 4.
when I look at logs using your Tuya scene switch TS004 and i look at logs it recognizes single and double push but does not recognize on the front main screen. have you had this problem before?
I appreciate your thoughts?
This is a new manufacturer and its fingerprint is not present in the Tuya TS004F driver, that's why it defaults to 4 buttons.
Can you clarify this, please?
Also, beware that triple-click of this button will switch it to dimmer mode, which does not work in Hubitat.
When using your TS004F Driver it pairs and I can see press buttons when looking at live logs. single press, double press and Held. however the state does not change on the devices page as per the attached image.
I have been able to set up a rule and make it work as an on/off switch but cannot make it work as a scene as yet.
Can you post some Debug logs when pressing/double-clicking and holding the button?
Also, I suppose that you have paired the device at least once with this driver already manually assigned, so that the driver is selected automatically during the second pairing process?
Yes have paired device a number of times.
the device actually works and have now noticed I can change from dimmer to scene by triple clicking.
it recognises only the first single, double and held on the status screen however logs show every click.
I will need Debug logs - please make sure the Debug switch from the Preferences section is turned on and single/double/held press the button again.
Please check the Events generated from the device (the Events button on the device page top left corner) - there should be consecutive multiple 'pushed' events like this ( with your button the 'value' should be 1 :
I have turned on Debug and saved preferences. I have pushed the button in all different fashion, 1,2,3 and hold etc.
And yes my events looks same.
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