Tuya RGBCCT Zigbee 3.0

Has anyone had any success getting a Tuya RGBCCT Zigbee 3.0 LED Controller to work?

I bought this recently, but unfortunately, none of the stock drivers I’ve tried seem to be able to control it (even after a config/refresh).


This is its fingerprint:

And its data:

I’ve also tried the following community driver which resulted in an error in the logs:

  • RGBW CT Bulbs - Zigbee v1.1.0 (driver)

I see it uses standard zigbee clusters. You can give this driver a try. Might not work, but what do you have to lose, right? :slight_smile:


Well, that one gave me some current state information (ie: online, check interval, power source unknown). But still no ability to control.

Logs if it helps:

Perhaps @kkossev may help to adjust the driver, @Sebastien.

I use the Gledopto controllers ([link here](Acabei de encontrar este item incrível no AliExpress. Dá uma olhada! R$63,61 | Gledopto zigbee 3.0 DC5-24V mini 5 em 1 rgbcct/rgbw/rgb/cct/dimmer controlador de tira de luz led para tv backlight iluminação da cozinha https://a.aliexpress.com/_mPOSRjS)), and they work perfectly with Hubitat.

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These seem very interesting! Maybe I’ll just get one of those if we can’t get the one I bought to work…

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@Sebastien the logs do not show anything received from the device… probably it has dropped off the Zigbee network? What is the HE hub that it paired with?

Thanks @kkossev! It’s paired with a C-8. One of the drivers I tried showed it as online, so I assumed it was, but I would not be surprised if it had dropped off.

Note that late last night, I also tried pairing it with my Hue hub and was able to control it with it. So I do have a workaround if it won’t stay paired to Hubitat, or I can’t find a working driver.

C-8 …..

Double Luck voodoo


A method to check if a zigbee device is online to the hub that always works - enable the debug logging, then turn the power off and then back on. If the device is paired to the hub, you should see some messages received in the live logs.
For battery-powered Zigbee devices - remove and reinsert the battery.

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Well, you were right! It must not have paired correctly. The Double Luck voodoo method worked on the first try! (I had even tried pairing it without just before that…)

Using the Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb driver works perfectly now.

Thanks @kkossev!


@support_team, could the following device be setup to default to the « Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb » driver? It currently defaults to « device ».

fingerprint profileld:"0104", endpointld:"01", inClusters:"0003,0004,0005,0006,1000,0008,0300,EF00,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0505B" manufacturer:"_TZ3210_ijczzg9h", controller Type: "ZGB"

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Curious, are you using the “Tuya Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb” custom driver by @kkossev or the in-built “Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb” driver? I’m using the LM052 controller connected to a RGBCCT. Hubitat had no problem pairing, but I’m getting odd behavior with both.

Has anybody had luck connecting a RGBCCT analog strip to Hubitat?

I’m using the built-in. Now that it’s paired, it’s working great.

Are your strips RGBCCT or RGBW? Mine are the former and I’m wondering if that’s the root of my problems.

I’m seeing:

  • inability to control color temp
  • inconsistent color generation
  • device state (e.g., switch, level) on device details page not reflecting actual state.

I’m using an RGBCCT strip and it has been responding well. Are you certain that the controller has properly paired, and that all the cables a re attached correctly? I have found that some of them need to be crossed…

Yes I'm certain the zigbee controller is properly paired. And yes (after being an idiot and wiring the strips to the controller incorrectly), I did the crossover thing to make sure everything was wired to the correct channel. The one difference is that I'm using the Tuya LM052, and you seem to be using the Gledepto. Thinking about returning mine controller and getting the Gledepto.

One other thing I'm curious about -- how does the RGBW driver manage color temperature when the controller has a cool white and a warm white channel. Seems like a RGBW driver expects a single white IC?

A color temperature setting is available. It seems to be able to handle it without issue.

Did you ever sort this out? I seem to be having the same issues.

Yes, but I ended up having to return the Tuya LM052 -- it paired no problem, I know I got the wiring and configuration correct, but I could never get it to render color temperature and RGB values. I got the corresponding Gledopto product and it's worked perfectly.