Turn Amazon Echo Skill on/off


Is there a way for me to macgyver the ability to turn the Amazon Echo Skill integration on/off with a virtual button?

In case someone is wondering, my issue is: sometimes kids are over and start messing with Alexa to turn things off in another room. It would be even better if I could disable specific alexa's (short of cutting their power); I will settle for disabling the service for now.

Thank you!


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A thought would be to have virtual devices linked to Alexa and then rules that accurate actual ones. A master switch being on would be a condition for all rules.

Sounds kinda clunky but the only thing that comes to mind for me


Yes, this can be done.

You need to send an http POST action that is constructed as below:


Replace app-ip with the app-id of your Alexa integration.

If you're doing this via Rule Machine, you can use "" in the URL instead of "hubitat-ip-address:8080"

To re-enable the app, use:



Wow that's awesome! I didn't know about this! Might be kinda nice to have.

I believe you can set Alexa to voice recognition, then limit the commands certain voices are allowed - you can also mute specific echo's ... but the disabled app above is really awesome and I learned something new today!


I attempted this solution. I receive an error page (below). I tried to just go to just the http://hubitat-ip-address:8080/installedapp/list URL -- that did generate an expected app homepage.

Error 404

The page requested could not be found

If you are seeing this screen repeatedly, please visit support.hubitat.com.

It appears that you are using HTTP GET by testing as a browser URL. This is incorrect - as I indicated in my response, you have to send an HTTP POST action.

To illustrate, in Rule Machine, your HTTP POST action would be like what is shown in the rule below. In this instance, the app-id of the app I am disabling is "110". Notice that the rule is sending an HTTP POST.

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I have the below rule. It does not seem to work. Any thoughts?

Thank you!


You're missing "http://"

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Thank you for your help! That did the trick! Works beautifully.

Thank you all for your help getting here!


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