Trying to upgrade from C4 to C8 Pro and the Zigbee is not pairing on C8

I am trying to migrate from a C4 to a C8 Pro. I am trying to follow the process outlined here:

I have downloaded the backup from the old one and uploaded the backup to the C8 Pro.

I removed one of my contact sensors from the old hub, which put it into pairing mode. I started Zigbee pairing on the C8 but it just kept spinning and then timed out. I tried pairing several times to the new C8 but it didn't work.

I then started Zigbee pairing on the C4 and it found the sensor immediately. Is there something I can try or something I can do to troubleshoot why the C8 wouldn't find the sensor. From what I read, it should have been found and then dropped into place in the C8 after I restored from the backup. Thanks!

That should work, so one possible explanation is that the sensor is outside the range of your hub. Have you tried pairing a router (a.ka. repeater) first? Or at least moving the sensor closer to the hub to test? Also, look at Logs while you are pairing the device and see if you see anything suspicious there.

What Zigbee channel are you using on the hubs?

Obviously, they shouldn't be on the same channel. There have been reports of people changing to channel 23 and having better luck than on channel 20. And that's why I ask what channels you are using.

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If I may, this appears to be a well known issue. @kkossev has confirmed as much. There is a trick to getting devices to pair, if the above suggestions don't work. Something about doing a zigbee rebuild x 2 , and setting the channel power to 4, pairing right next to the hub, clicking avoid 3.0 repeaters and hopping on 1 leg. I can't locate the instructions right now, but the thread below says to log a support issue

EDIT- I found It !!! surprised myself

Well, thanks to everyone for replying but it is working now. I don't know if something was hung on the hub but I restarted it and tried again and then it dropped into place.

Well, I thought all was well but I'm having some other issues.

I moved 3 devices to the new hub and those seem to be registered fine. I followed the recommendation here:

"When it boots, take a look at the Apps and disable those Apps that will collide with the exact same app on the old hub."

I disabled all apps initially on the new hub so it wouldn't process anything until I got the devices moved. However I noticed that one of my rules for when contract sensors are opened got triggered even though the app was disabled. If the app is disabled, shouldn't the rules not be processed?

This is what my apps look like. Rule machine is the app that holds the rule that is getting processed. It is currently disabled.

You need to click arrows to expand the list of rules out and disable the rules. All you did was disable the parent Rule Machine app.

Correct. I thought disabling the parent app would disable all the child rules.

That seems a bit counterintuitive. I would think that if you wanted to just disable everything involved with a specific app that you could just disable the parent and it would propagate to the children.

It also would be much simpler as it could retain the settings for the child rules that I already have disabled so when I was ready to enable those rules on the new hubitat, I just enable the parent app and don't have to go into each one and check.

It's not that big of a deal. It is just a bit more work because I'll have to screenshot some of the settings now so I know which rules were disabled prior to the migration.

I doubt disabling any of your rules is needed. The apps that usually need to be disabled during migration would be cloud / lan based integrations, sometimes you need to log back in or set something up on the new hub so it is good to bring them back one at a time.

OK, sounds good. Thanks.

I haven't seen it cause issues. I was just trying to follow the process. I'll keep moving forward.

I've done zigbee and the ones I have done have migrated OK.

I'm now starting with some zwave. I followed the process and have swapped one of the devices' apps.

What are the final steps after swapping their apps? Do I need to change the DNI on the new device back to what the original devices DNI was? Then do I just remove the old device using the old devices properties page (the red remove button at the bottom)?

Greatly depends on what you have done thus far.
Hopefully you changed the DNI of all the old z-wave devices first.
Then when you include them again the DNI they get is the new DNI they need to stay on.
Then swap apps to the new device.

If that is what you did the last step would just be removing the old device. You would not want to edit the DNI of the new device, as that is the new node on ID on the z-wave mesh.

Got it. Yes. I changed the DNI of all of the old devices first, did the exclude and include on the new hub, then swapped the apps. I'll go ahead and remove the old device. Thanks for the input!

If you have any locks make sure to check out LCM and/or your codes since those wont swap over and LCM might be a giant mess.

Ah, thanks for the heads up. I do have a lock.