Trouble with radar detector

Try setting the sensitivity to 1 (low).
The Sonoff mmWave sensor is a way too much sensitive.

Will do. I'll let you know how it works.

Off Topic, but the term "radar detector" got me thinking. I wonder if a radar detector, as in for a car, could be of use in checking these sensors out?

The car radar detectors are passive (typically) - they detect the electromagnetic energy transmitted by the police radars. (There are also active anti-radars for cars but I think they are illegal for use in all countries).

The mmWave sensors that we are using here are active - they emit a very low-power electromagnetic energy in the mmWave band and then detect the change of the reflected signals. If there are no reflective objects that have changed their position - no motion is detected.


Set to 1 did not activate. Set it back to 2 again.
Device . Now it's not working at all.
I'm lost. It seems Everytime I do a hub update the radar has problems. Is this possible, or just seems that way.

Just checked device and inactive I re-saved and did not change. Set motion active and hit button and became active. Light came on for a minute and turned off again

The Tuya PIR sensors driver has an option for a software 'reset' to motion inactive after a programmable time. That option exists because some of the PIR sensor never send a 'motion inactive' event, by design they sent a Zignee event only when motion is detected.

I was thinking about whether a similar option could hep with the mmWave sensors? This is something that we can experiment.

What is your use case? You mentioned installing the mmWave sensor under the table.... What is the typical time frame when a human can stay near the table but not make any move?

Help needed - Ask Tuya on Tuya forum to make their mmWave devices less spammy!

The detectors are under cabinets to prevent the ceiling fans from being detected.

This is in the kitchen so someone can sit at the table and not move (reading) for hours.

Is it the Sonoff radar?

Yes it's radar. I just deleted my rules and hit the set motion to motion and it shows active for the last 20 minutes with someone in the room.

Room was empty for 2 minutes still showing active. Fading time 30

Just hit refresh and save preferences, shows inactive with someone in the room.

I don't understand, the has been working for weeks.

Do you think it will start working again if I delete the device and reinstalled it?

Most probably, this 24Ghz radar will not work when mounted under the cabinets EDIT: Sonoff SNZB-06P has a 5.8Ghz radar! ... The first 5.8Ghz radars seems to penetrate thin wood much better than the 24Ghz.

Re-installing will not change anything, in my opinion. The Sonoff radar will not work well when there are obstacles around it. Sonoff radar is one of the most problematic (being too much sensitive), the objects in front of it will de-tune it.... it is not intended to be used this way.

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It worked well for weeks. Never had a problem. It does not have to see through wood. The detectors is mounted 48" above the floor and 4" below the cabinet. It has clear site of the room from the floor to 48" up.

Isn’t this SNZB_06P a 5.8Ghz device?

  • deviceProfile : SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR
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Yes it is

The 5.8Ghz tend to sense motion behind as well as in front and penetrate walls, etc.
I don’t know what is behind the cabinet wall, but that’s a place to check.

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Thanks, I have the Sensitivity set to 1.
I've been using this for about 3 weeks and had no problems. All of a sudden either with a hub update or network reboot it stopped working altogether. I unplugged it for a few hours and it's working to a point. Seems the device is not refreshing. If active and I leave the room I have to refresh the device and hit save preferences to refresh.
I'm going to try adding a refresh to the end of an action in a rule and see if it helps.

Yes, it is - I corrected my post above.

@junk7001 I have also misunderstood your setup, now it is clear, but I don't have an ide what could be the reason for the motion detection not returning to inactive...

This is from Sonoff documentation :


Thats a good idea!

I uninstalled and reinstalled the mmwave detector. Deleted all rules. Set it up using a lamp, worked. Placed it back in the kitchen. Setup a ceiling light and under cabinet lighting rule.
Added a restriction to ceiling to execute between 2 times, worked. However the ceiling light didn't. The ceiling light does not come on or go off.

Looking in the app under devices the ceiling shows it's off when it's on and the cabinet lighting shows 99% when it's actually 14%.

The cabinet lighting device is zigbee and the ceiling switch is a zwave device.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I ran a Zwave repair and both lights are now operational. The Sonoff detector is now working.
Still not sure why this problem happened. Only thing I know is it happened after hub update.

Thanks to all for your help and support :pray:

Well, stopped working again. Seems it not refreshing the detector. I refreshed manually and the changes or changes showed up in events.
I've even add a refresh device to the rules. One before and one after the trigger. Was working fine all morning.

Is there a way to add a "save preferences" for a device to add to an action in a rule.