Help needed - Ask Tuya on Tuya forum to make their mmWave devices less spammy!

Hi all,

I need your help.

Anyone who has purchased and spent time trying to make the Tuya Zignee mmWave sensors usable in Hubitat, and was frustrated by their spammy behavior - please help to ask Tuya to make these devices less spammy and really usable.

There is a topic on Tuya HQ software forum - here :

Please help by creating a account and asking to make the spammy distance and illuminance reports configurable and disabled by default. Hopefully, Tuya will listen to their customers and make the necessary changes to make these otherwise good technology devices usable for everyone.

Thank you.


Come join the party,

Tuya's answer is : it is not us making these spammy devices; it is the cat that ate my homework!



This is one of the most precise comments in the Tuya forum, it needs our backup.


Last follow-up from Tuya, posted on 6th of August :

We're still trying to contact the developer

I don't have high hopes anymore.. :frowning: But I will keep trying!

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