Today's update basically broke everything

I updated the hub today followed by the zwave firmware upgrade. Everything appeared to complete without issue. Since then, none of my zwave devices have responded. Inclusion, exclusion, no response either. Log just shows "Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message."

After an hour of making no progress, I got frustrated with it and did a "full reset" as nothing was working to bring things back up (reboot, etc). Something went wrong with that too apparently, as the portal couldn't locate the hub without me specifying the IP address. Even then nothing would function until I restored to a previous version with the recovery options. Now, it's just sitting unplugged until support gets back to me. I've only had the thing for like 2 weeks... Had everything working fine, for the most part, until today...Hoping this isn't going to be the norm with updates...

That is almost never necessary.

You should post here first if you get stuck. The Hubitat team have been on here all day answering questions and trying to help those who need it.

I have seen people have some issues from this update, but many times a shutdown and remove power for minute or so returned things back to normal. There was at least one thread addressing that error you were getting with Zwave busy message, so you might want to look at at some of this afternoon's postings. (sort by date).

Have you tried powering back on since you pulled power? What happens if you do power it back up?


:point_up_2: Yes.. in some rare instances the radio was still in a bad place with the failed nodes ... The most you would have to do is a power down to restore functionality.. And once the failed nodes are cleaned up it should not be an issue..


@DSRRTRN Please power your unit back up .. Upgrade the hub software back to 2.2.3 .. If you already completed the radio firmware update, you do not need to do that again.

Thanks for the replies guys. I tried removing power earlier and unfortunately it made no difference. I also upgraded back to 2.2.3 and the issues persisted.

Another thing, even after the full reset, my old zwave devices keep showing back up under the zwave details page. I thought everything was supposed to be removed during the full reset?

Right .. because they still exist on the Z-Wave PAN ..

The way to clear them out is to go to settings and z-wave details and then at the bottom.. Type reset into the space and click reset..

If your network is really bad this might be the fastest way to start clean..

I've actually done that a couple of times already as well and they just pop back up after a reboot. That was one of the reasons I progressed to the full reset earlier...There didn't seem to be much else left to try...

?? Just a reboot .. No restores or anything?

I’ve done this a million times while testing the platform... It should clear all node references..

Including changing your home id

I honestly can't remember if it was just a reboot or a restore was done at some point in between...I've been running in circles with it all afternoon...I just did a reset and a reboot again...I'll see what the outcome is this time...

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Cool.. Let me know

Confirmed, after a reset and reboot, they are still there...

Wow.. Ok.. Can you send me a screen shot of this?

Now I will reboot and take another screenshot.

That is bizarre .. Doing a bit of research ..

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