To beta or not to beta

I'm a bit lost - I stay away from BETA since I don't work for HE and community work isn't well supported. why the push to 'check out beta'?
i've got no desire to put time and effort into something that isn't already working for me. am I being to weird?

I'm a bit lost as well, were you referring to the early comments on the topic where @rlithgow1 referred to checking out the Beta program? If so, Rick was recommending that (I assumed) because if @joshlobe was relying on scraping the Apps page like I had done in my earlier attempts in this space, then Rick was worried changes in the upcoming release may have affected @joshlobe 's plans for this App. So it was mostly wanting to ensure an App didn't falter shortly after release, just with the added benefit of encouraging someone new to join the group.

I wanted to write more in response to your other comments, but I don't want to get in the way of @joshlobe 's interesting project. In summary, each to their own with the Beta, there's no obligation or expectation, and ultimately whatever the reason, you are free to choose. I don't quite take your view on the purpose of the beta group, but there's nothing wrong with that.


@rlithgow1’s post above seems self-explanatory to me.


Beta was only mentioned here from another user as a caution to me, since there are some UI/UX changes in the upcoming release. Rick was being proactive, and suggesting to me that I check out the beta to ensure my app still functioned correctly. He was just being friendly and looking out for my time.


I also see the mobile view is not ideal. I may end up moving the four action icons into a three-dot-menu.


Where do you get that? You yourself use a lot of community stuff including HD+ which is well supported.

Beta's don't touch on what already works, it's a chance to try out new features and work out the bugs before release.... Not exactly rocket science.


I think if we continue to engage in @jshimota’s OT musings we’re probably just playing into his apparent goal to shift the conversation away from the OP’s purpose in creating the thread.




No not weird, if you don't want to do it then don't.
I personally find it enjoyable testing new or changed features and then reporting issues upstream. It is a way to be more engaged with the community and developers, and to get your feedback in front of the devs while they are actively working on the next release. If you have no interest in doing that then stay away from the beta.

If people have no interest in compiling detailed reports of issues and posting them there is no reason to be on the beta. It is not a good idea to join just to preview the features as something can possibly break fairly badly where you need to restore a backup and/or roll back (rare but happens).

I don't know why some people push on it so hard. HE staff usually just makes one post about it, announcing it.


Nothing to add. Just changed the title. The choices that came to mind were:

You beta not do it
To beta or not to beta

Should have gone with the first one.


It seems when you create a new rule group it stacks one below the other. Example

1st rule created
2nd rule created
3rd rule created

Every time you create a new group you have to drag the rule passed the groups already made.

Can you make the new group appear on top?

3rd rule created
2nd rule created
1st rule created

Is this possible?

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The earlier comments on this topic got split off from the rule manager topic. You may want to post your question back on the rule manager topic.



You beta, you beta you bet OHHHH

GIF by The Who


Tell me, WHO?!!! (are you, are you..... are you, are you)


Beta Ok GIF by InternetBeta

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is that a user who just installed the new Rule Manager... :slight_smile: That or my CSS editor, users of those tools tend to have the same level of self-confidence....


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