[Initial Release] Rule Machine Manager (New Rule Machine Interface)

I suggested that up above also, it only works for RM right now but it is something he is taking into consideration.

Thanks, very cool app

Ugh.. I can't believe I didn't think of this during development. Yes, I'll absolutely look into adding multi-select. Thank you.

Thank you. I was fairly certain it would work. I'm not sure how to use HPM to do the copy of the file into the hubitat.. but I'll start looking into that feature.

I am currently looking at this option. I will report back soon.


Okay.. please help me identify the other areas that use "rules" which we would like to see pulled into this app. I'm going to start a list here. Please let me know if I missed something here, or if one of these is not correct.

  • Basic Button Controllers
  • Basic Rules
  • Button Controllers
  • Dashboards (?? Maybe?)
  • Motion/Mode Lighting Apps
  • Room Lighting
  • Simple Automation Rules

BUG: Noted for posterity (will fix when it's not so late here)

Empty containers are not being removed correctly after deletion. In the meantime, to delete a custom created container, move at least one item into the container to be deleted, then delete the container. The container will be removed successfully, and the rule will be returned to the "Original Rules" container.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Beta or not

Add bold text and color to folder titles.


Well then, lemme bring it back full circle!

I love the idea of customizing the container headers. I'm working on an interface that will allow a few variations on font and color.

I definitely want to spend a little time on mobile UI/UX.

Bringing in other rules is proving to be somewhat of a challenge. I haven't found any magic utility like "RMUtils()" for the other sections. But I'm still digging...


It seems when you create a new rule group it stacks one below the other. Example

1st rule created
2nd rule created
3rd rule created

Every time you create a new group you have to drag the rule passed the groups already made.

Can you make the new group appear on top?

3rd rule created
2nd rule created
1st rule created

Is this possible?

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Absolutely. Easy change (I hope... muahahahah).

Does everyone know you can also sort the containers? You can "move" original rules down to the bottom, or wherever.

Man, you are the best... great work!

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Did not realize that was possible...very cool! I prefer having it on the bottom and dragging stuff upwards for some reason. Thank you for accomodating my "upwards OCD." :wink:


One of the many mentalities a developer must keep... "Now remember, not everyone thinks the same way I do".


Looking did I explain this correctly.
The newest group you create stays on top.

3rd.... Deck (newest group)
2nd..... Bathroom
1st... groups Kitchen

You did. Reverse the current logic. Will do.

I'm looking at HPM, and I'm not seeing a way to include an external file. I'm going to need to think through this a bit. Has anyone created an app where an external javascript file was included?

This particular app is not being supported anymore but I remebered it had included js files. The package file is still on github: Hubitat/packageManifest.json at master · tchoward/Hubitat · GitHub

  "files" : [
			"name": "WeatherTile2.css",
			"location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tchoward/Hubitat/master/WeatherTile2.css"
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Freaking beautimus!! Thank you!! I was going to just keep all my old js files on my sever. I'm working on the HPM manifest file and other stuff to get on HPM now. Thank you for the assistance!

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Are those id's just randomly generated; as long as I stay in the format?