Time trigger is still an hour ahead after DST ended

I have a wake up routine for my kids that uses a hub datetime variable as its trigger. The variable has been set at 7am EDT for sometime now. And it still appears to be set for 7am EST now that daylight savings has ended. The hub's time correctly moved back when DST ended.

But the rule has triggered at 6am EST for two days now. I'm wondering why?

Screenshots of rule, its associated app details/settings and event pages, and the hub's current time are below.

I had this problem after the last time change. A hub reboot fixed it for me.

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If you go into the Hubitat interface, open Settings, Hub Details. Part of the information listed is for the current time, time zone, time format (12/24). It also shows the sunrise and sunset times for your specified latitude and longitude.

If the time is shown incorrectly, be sure the time zone is set correctly to standard time. If necessary, you can update the time from your web browser.

If your Hubitat hub is connected to the Internet, the time should update automatically each day, but if the update occurred before 2:00 am Sunday, then it might not update properly at 2:00 am.

Please look at the last screenshot in my OP.

Edit: in case it’s not clear, the current time, time zone, time format and sunrise/sunrise times are all accurate in that screenshot taken this morning.

Thanks I'll see if that helps.

I do wonder why this rule appears to have gotten stuck an hour ahead after DST ended though, since the hub clearly updated its time.

Still occurring.

@bravenel any suggestions?

This is always a problem with DST changes. When you set a time, do you want "wall time", or the current time (i.e. 0600 EST = 0700 EDT). If you're setting wall time, are you comfortable with an event being skipped or duplicated during DST changes?

@bravenel has said that times are stored in UTC (technically, POSIX). There should probably be a selector to select/save/indicate whether the time is fixed or should be adjusted for wall time, because either might be desired. e.g. I might want an energy monitor to trigger exactly every 24 hours, regardless of DST changes. Or, I might want to wake the kids for school.

There was a deep bug that we found last week -- too late for the DST change.


Today I hit the update rule button and changed the datetime variable to another time, then back, for good measure.

I would expect that should do it?

Can you comment on whether the bug is related to the hub variable or something else?

I haven't looked closely at a couple other automations that are triggered by sunset but will update those if needed.

I think I'm mostly talking to myself at this point. But that did the trick. Not sure if it was updating the rule or the datetime variable :man_shrugging:.


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