Tibber integration?


Looking very closely at switching to Hubitat. There's one key thing for me: Integration with Tibber, my electric company here in Norway. They provide smart home integrations that aim to reduce power consumption in peak hours, when the price is at its highest.

They have an integration with Smartthings, and I'm kindly asking if someone here could check if this will install and run on Hubitat without any additional coding.

Hope somebody can help me out here, as there aren't many Hubitat users in my country.


I'm no expert but the App seems pretty simple.
There's a guide here on porting SmartThings apps.

There's a few quick things to try in the beginning of the guide.
If it works after swapping out some references then you're good to go.
Need to watch out for Apps that use a lot of bandwidth though, so if your hub slows down after porting and installing it you might need proper help for porting it over to Hubitat.

Let me know if you want me catch your fish.
It'd be better if you tried yourself though. Teaching men and all. :wink:

I'd really appreciate it if you could try it and see if it you can get it working. I don't own a Hubitat hub, I'm simply considering it along with Athom Homey to replace my current system, wich I find to limited and unstable.

Thanks :smiley:

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I can convert it and make sure there are no errors.
But that's about it.
I'll let you know when I've replaced the SmartThings specific lines.


It most likely will "run" on Hubitat, however it appears that Tibber has some integration on their side where they call directly to the Smartthings servers and so you would be out of luck actually using this on Hubitat since their system will not call into your hub and instead call Smartthings,, From their documentation:

  1. Copy and keep the API token from step 5 and paste it into the Tibber app -> Power-ups -> Samsung SmartThings -> Connect
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You could try otherhub 2.0.
That brings SmartThings stuff into Hubitat. You can probably have the hub off although I had mixed results with the hub off.

Anyone that has intergrated Tibber with Hubitat yet? I want my overall consumption in realtime...
/ Mattias


+1 on Tibber integration, want to be able to control outlets depending on the hourly electric price

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I would love to see this to! :heart_eyes:
I wrote to Tibber this week and askes them if they could fix an integration with Hubitat. Maybe they’ll do it if we’re lucky...

Also FYI: @mailtomatte, @monsterdykaren

I skimmed this, and it saves in Hubitat without errors. I don't see anything obviously incompatible with Hubitat. Does it work when you try it? tibber-smartthings-app/src/Device handlers/tibber-price-device-handler.groovy at master · tibber/tibber-smartthings-app · GitHub

If not, the API reference docs are actually pretty good. I don't have a Tibber account, but if someone wanted to work with me for testing I could probably get something working.


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@tomw: I havent got my Hub yet but when I’ll get it and have it up and running I’ll give it a try. and have it up and running I’ll give it a try. :grinning: (bought it yesterday so there’s gonna be some days of shipping since it’s a big Black Friday-chaos for the online dealers here in Sweden due to Covid-19 because a lot of people shoped online this year... :grimacing:)

Maybe i also have to get a bit familiar with this new system since I’m a total newbie at Hubitat... :smile:

It's a pretty quick ramp-up. This community will typically help as much as possible while you're figuring it out!

Here's a quick tip- the installation instructions are similar for Hubitat as described in the Tibber readme for their SmartThings installation, but are actually even simpler: tibber-smartthings-app/src/Device handlers/README.md at master · tibber/tibber-smartthings-app · GitHub

Everything is the same, except the "Create the device handler..." and "Publish the handler..." sections are a single step- you just copy/paste the contents of the source file (tibber-price-device-handler.groovy) into the Drivers Code section of Hubitat as a New Driver. Then you create a new Virtual Device of that same type and complete the remaining configuration steps.

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I tried both of these with the demo access token that they provide for developers.

driver: tibber-smartthings-app/tibber-price-device-handler.groovy at master · tibbercom/tibber-smartthings-app · GitHub
app: tibber-smartthings-app/tibber-price-example-smart-app.groovy at master · tibbercom/tibber-smartthings-app · GitHub

They're both a little bit rough around the edges, but they appear to install and work correctly on Hubitat.

The app demonstrates how you might use the price reporting to perform some other action like what @mario.fuchs describes. In the case of the demo, it turns a switch on when the energy price exceeds a certain threshold.

I did not test this additional app that provides integration with the Tibber app: tibber-smartthings-app/smartapp.groovy at master · tibbercom/tibber-smartthings-app · GitHub

It won't work as written due to URL differences between Hubitat and SmartThings, but it doesn't look like it would take much to fix it

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I tried with my access token and got this....

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@mailtomatte, are those values correct? I'm not sure what your conclusion was after trying it.

Yes I guess they are right... Here is a screen dump a couple of hours later when price has changed. But you need the last app to be able to get any use I guess...

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Ive played around and I think I got Tibber to work with Hubitat in Rule Machine.

I set up a rule for my dehumidifier who is a major powerswallows.

So if humidity is over 50% and Tibber price is under 35 (SEK öre) and lights in garage is off (dehumidifier is loud so only on when im not in the garage)... So I will test it for some days. @monsterdykaren @tomw


Yep, that's basically what I had in mind.

If I was developing the Tibber app myself, I'd add the Refresh capability so that it could be additionally refreshed on demand. It refreshes the values every two hours by default.

There's also a bug (or missing feature?) where the current energy consumption is incorrectly reported as the being the same as the current price.

I hacked out a modified version of the code that adds these two features. I can't test the energy reporting (it reports as null with the demo key), so one of you guys can hopefully give it a shot.

 *  Copyright 2017 Tibber
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Tibber price
 *  Author: tibberdev
 *  Date: 2018-01-11
 *  Revision notes: price is now given in currency/100. For NOK. the unit is now in Øre
 *  Revision notes: presenting price as energymeter, user can get price through energy attribute
metadata {
	definition (name: "Tibber price device handler", namespace: "Tibber", author: "tibberdev") {
		capability "Sensor"
		capability "Energy Meter"
        capability "Refresh"
		attribute "price", "number"
		attribute "priceNextHour", "number"
		attribute "priceNextHourLabel", "string"
		attribute "pricePlus2Hour", "number"
		attribute "pricePlus2HourLabel", "string"
		attribute "priceMaxDay", "number"
		attribute "priceMaxDayLabel", "string"
		attribute "priceMinDay", "number"
		attribute "priceMinDayLabel", "string"
		attribute "currency", "string"
	// tile definitions
	tiles(scale: 2) {
        multiAttributeTile(name:"valueTile", type:"generic", width:6, height:4, backgroundColor:"#00a0dc") {
            tileAttribute("device.price", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
                attributeState "price", label:'${currentValue}', defaultState: true,
            tileAttribute("device.currency", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
                attributeState "currency", label:'${currentValue}', defaultState: true
        valueTile("priceNextHourLabelTile", "device.priceNextHourLabel", decoration: "flat", width: 4, height: 1) {
            state "priceNextHourLabel", label:'${currentValue}'
        valueTile("priceNextHourTile", "device.priceNextHour", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
            state "priceNextHour", label:'${currentValue}',                        
        valueTile("pricePlus2HourLabelTile", "device.pricePlus2HourLabel", decoration: "flat", width: 4, height: 1) {
            state "pricePlus2HourLabel", label:'${currentValue}'
        valueTile("pricePlus2HourTile", "device.pricePlus2Hour", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
            state "pricePlus2Hour", label:'${currentValue}',
        valueTile("priceMaxDayLabelTile", "device.priceMaxDayLabel", decoration: "flat", width: 4, height: 1) {
            state "priceMaxDayLabel", label:'${currentValue}'
        valueTile("priceMaxDayTile", "device.priceMaxDay", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
            state "priceMaxDay", label:'${currentValue}',
        valueTile("priceMinDayLabelTile", "device.priceMinDayLabel", decoration: "flat", width: 4, height: 1) {
            state "priceMinDayLabel", label:'${currentValue}'
        valueTile("priceMinDayTile", "device.priceMinDay", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
            state "priceMinDay", label:'${currentValue}',
        main (["valueTile"])
        details(["valueTile", "PriceEnergyTile", "priceNextHourLabelTile", "priceNextHourTile", "pricePlus2HourLabelTile", "pricePlus2HourTile","priceMaxDayLabelTile", "priceMaxDayTile","priceMinDayLabelTile", "priceMinDayTile"])

    preferences {
        input (
            type: "paragraph",
            element: "paragraph",
            title: "Tibber API key",
            description: "You'll find the API key at https://developer.tibber.com/settings/accesstoken"
        input (
            name: "tibber_apikey",
            type: "password",
            title: "API Key",
            description: "Enter the Tibber API key",
            required: true,
            displayDuringSetup: true

def initialize() {
	state.price = 100;
    schedule("0 2 * * * ?", getPrice)

def installed() {
	log.debug "Installed"

def updated() {
	log.debug "Updated"

def refresh()
    schedule("0 2 * * * ?", getPrice)    

def getPrice() {
    if(tibber_apikey == null){
        log.error("API key is not set. Please set it in the settings.")
    } else {
        def params = [
            uri: "https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql",
            headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" , "Authorization": "Bearer $tibber_apikey"],
            body: graphQLApiQuery()
        try {
            httpPostJson(params) { resp ->
                if(resp.status == 200){
                    log.debug "${resp.data}"
                    def today = resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.today
                    def tomorrow = resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.tomorrow
                    def consumption = resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].consumption.nodes[0].consumption?.toFloat()
                    def consumptionUnit = resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].consumption.nodes[0].consumptionUnit?.toString()
                    def price = Math.round(resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.total * 100)
                    def priceMaxDay = Math.round(MaxValue(today) *100)
                    def priceMaxDayLabel = "Max price @ ${MaxValueTimestamp(today)}"
                    def priceMinDay = Math.round(MinValue(today) *100)
                    def priceMinDayLabel = "Min price @ ${MinValueTimestamp(today)}"

                    def priceList = today
                        priceList << it
                    def priceNextHours = PriceNextHours(priceList)
                    def priceNextHour = Math.round(priceNextHours[0] *100)
                    def priceNextHourLabel = "@ ${priceNextHours[2]}"
                    def pricePlus2Hour = Math.round(priceNextHours[1] *100)
                    def pricePlus2HourLabel = "@ ${priceNextHours[3]}"
                    def currency = resp.data.data.viewer.homes[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.currency

                    currency = "${currency}: ${currencyToMinor(currency)}/kWh"

                    state.currency = currency
                    state.price = price
                    state.priceNextHour = priceNextHour
                    state.priceNextHourLabel = priceNextHourLabel
                    state.pricePlus2Hour = pricePlus2Hour
                    state.pricePlus2HourLabel = pricePlus2HourLabel
                    state.priceMaxDay = priceMaxDay
                    state.priceMaxDayLabel = priceMaxDayLabel
                    state.priceMinDay = priceMinDay
                    state.priceMinDayLabel = priceMinDayLabel

                    sendEvent(name: "energy", value: consumption, unit: consumptionUnit)
                    sendEvent(name: "price", value: state.price, unit: currency)
                    sendEvent(name: "priceNextHour", value: state.priceNextHour, unit: currency)
                    sendEvent(name: "pricePlus2Hour", value: state.pricePlus2Hour, unit: currency)
                    sendEvent(name: "priceMaxDay", value: state.priceMaxDay, unit: currency)
                    sendEvent(name: "priceMinDay", value: state.priceMinDay, unit: currency)

                    sendEvent(name: "priceNextHourLabel", value: state.priceNextHourLabel)
                    sendEvent(name: "pricePlus2HourLabel", value: state.pricePlus2HourLabel)
                    sendEvent(name: "priceMaxDayLabel", value: state.priceMaxDayLabel)
                    sendEvent(name: "priceMinDayLabel", value: state.priceMinDayLabel)

                    sendEvent(name: "currency", value: state.currency)
        } catch (e) {
            log.debug "something went wrong: $e"
def parse(String description) {
    log.debug "parse description: ${description}"
    def eventMap = [
        createEvent(name: "energy", value: state.price, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "price", value: state.price, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceNextHour", value: state.priceNextHour, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "pricePlus2Hour", value: state.pricePlus2Hour, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceMaxDay", value: state.priceMaxDay, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceMinDay", value: state.priceMinDay, unit: state.currency)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceNextHourLabel", value: state.priceNextHourLabel)
        ,createEvent(name: "pricePlus2HourLabel", value: state.pricePlus2HourLabel)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceMaxDayLabel", value: state.priceMaxDayLabel)
        ,createEvent(name: "priceMinDayLabel", value: state.priceMinDayLabel)    
        ,createEvent(name: "currencyLabel", value: state.currency, unit: state.currency)   
    log.debug "Parse returned ${description}"
    return eventMap

def currencyToMinor(String currency){
	def currencyUnit = "";
    	case "NOK":currencyUnit = "Øre";break;
        case "SEK":currencyUnit = "Øre";break;
        case "USD":currencyUnit = "Penny";break;
        default: currencyUnit = "";break;
    return currencyUnit;
def backgroundColors(){
    return [
		[value: 20, color: "#02A701"],
      	[value: 39, color: "#6CCD00"],
      	[value: 59, color: "#ECD400"],
      	[value: 74, color: "#FD6700"],
      	[value: 95, color: "#FE3500"]

def graphQLApiQuery(){
    return '{"query": "{viewer {homes {currentSubscription {priceInfo { current {total currency} today{ total startsAt } tomorrow{ total startsAt }}} consumption(resolution: HOURLY, last: 1) { nodes { from to cost unitPrice unitPriceVAT consumption consumptionUnit }}}}}", "variables": null, "operationName": null}';

def MaxValueTimestamp(List values){
	def max = 0
    def maxTimestamp = ""
    	def timestamp = it.startsAt
        def total = it.total
        	max = it.total
            maxTimestamp = timestamp
    return maxTimestamp.substring(11,13)
def MaxValue(List values){
	def max = 0
    def maxTimestamp = ""
    	def timestamp = it.startsAt
        def total = it.total
        	max = it.total
            maxTimestamp = timestamp
    return max

def MinValueTimestamp(List values){
	def min = 1000
    def minTimestamp = ""
    	def timestamp = it.startsAt
        def total = it.total   
        	min = it.total
            minTimestamp = timestamp
    return minTimestamp.substring(11,13)
def MinValue(List values){
	def min = 1000
    def minTimestamp = ""
    	def timestamp = it.startsAt
        def total = it.total   
        	min = it.total
            minTimestamp = timestamp
    return min

def PriceNextHours(List values){
	def priceNowTimestamp = 0
    def priceNextHour = -1;
    def priceNextNextHour = -1;
    def i=0
        Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
        def hourNowUtc = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1
        def dayNowUtc = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)    
        def startsAt = it.startsAt
        def total = it.total        
        int hourNow = startsAt.substring(11,13) as int
        int dayNow = startsAt.substring(8,10) as int
        int hourOffset = startsAt.substring(20,22) as int
        def timeZoneOperator = startsAt.substring(19,20)
            hourNowUtc = hourNowUtc + hourOffset
            hourNowUtc = hourNowUtc - hourOffset
        	hourNowUtc = hourNowUtc+24 //wrap
            dayNowUtc = dayNowUtc-1
        	hourNowUtc = hourNowUtc-24 //wrap
            dayNowUtc = dayNowUtc+1
        if(hourNow == hourNowUtc && dayNow == dayNowUtc ){
        	priceNextHour = it.total
            priceNextNextHour = values[i+1].total   
            priceNowTimestamp = hourNowUtc

    def priceNextTimestamp = 0
    	priceNextTimestamp = priceNowTimestamp + 1
    return [priceNextHour, priceNextNextHour, fromToTimestamp(priceNowTimestamp), fromToTimestamp(priceNextTimestamp)]
def fromToTimestamp(def timestamp){
	def from = timestamp
    def to = timestamp + 1
    	to = 0
    return "${formatTimestamp(from)} - ${formatTimestamp(to)} "
def formatTimestamp(def timestamp){
	if(timestamp < 9)
    	return "0${timestamp}"
    return timestamp
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Nice! Tested it.. Null here on energy also but refresh button works good!...

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Cool! I'll poke around more in the API to see if I can find a way to get an energy usage reading. The API itself is in some sort of beta state, so some things did not look fully supported. It could explain why they didn't report energy in the example driver... :wink: