Thoughts on new user interface

Okay, this is not the same as what we were discussing before.
Yes, clicking INSIDE a dashboard, and loading the dashboard, does remove the nagivation... becuase, well, it's a dashboard. I think this has always been the case, at least in the past year I've been using hubitat.

You're right. There is no way to get back to the navigation from what I can see once you are inside a dashboard, unless using the back button.

Well, I take that back. You can also click the little "home" icon, from within the dashboard (top left of screen)... and that will take you back to the dashboards page.

You still can't get the navigation panel and dashboard on the same page by clicking buttons, is my point.
You have to do: http://ip_address/dashboards

Don't judge a book by its cover. Join the beta and help us make a better product. That's the reason of the preview post.


In the classic

In ez-dashboard

I don't ever remember it being that way... but, I digress :slight_smile:
I appreciate the constructive conversation. Thank you.
I have to admit.. I don't use the dashboards creation/edit page much anymore since everything is stable and working well for me. So this little exercise helped me to learn a few new things myself.

I'm in the beta. I thought we could have a productive conversation (this is the lounge after all, no?) without the attempted condescension. I'm sorry I was incorrect in that assumption. (We do know what they say about assumptions.)

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In the beta channel, yes. How can you have a productive conversation in the lounge where most of the folks can't constructively participate because they haven't seen the upcoming changes.


While I think your point is quite fair, I thought I did a good job of limiting my comments to what I could see on your screenshot. (Which is one of the reasons I quoted it.) You were the one who made the post with 'look how good this is.' Obviously, I disagree. so I posted. I fail to see my failure there.

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I don't think Bobby was being condescending at all. I think he's just trying to direct the concerns to the proper outlets. Perhaps I am missing something??

I totally agree with the whitespace.
By the way, how do I know when I have access to the beta channel?


Glad you see the point. All I am saying is that is not too late to drive change by providing feedback in the Beta channel.

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PRO: The data is organized, and you don't have a bunch of completely unrelated things (commands, preferences for example) all blobbed together on the same giant page.


Yes, we've gone from 1 'page' to 5, with a bunch of whitespace and duplicated data. I fail to see the benefit.

If you wanted to argue that they could have split it into 2 or 3 pages, then it becomes an argument over scrolling versus clicks, but 5 is ridiculous. Obviously, it is device & driver dependent, but for the device I landed on, I could take 4 of those pages and fit them into 1 that fits my current window (roughly a 20" 4:3 monitor-sized window.)

Actually, I appreciate getting a glimpse (screenshot) of things to come. While not being in the Beta I can look at something, and without interacting with it, give some opinion on the look, feel, and presumed function. Not a bad idea for a thread specifically fielding feedback on such things from a broader audience without having to be in the Beta.

So thanks for that screenshot way up top.

While I can see it's going to take some getting use to, and I can appreciate some of the dissension in comments above (i.e. alotta white space), there is some indications of better organization, less clutter, and maybe a hint of a path to even more rich features on the page in the future.

While you guys have the hood up on this interface; there are times I've wished I could view and edit on the same high level fields of multiple devices of the same type in the same overview screen. This most often happens when I'm adding new devices of the same type and organizing to some naming convention and checking consistency in other fields/settings. But yeah, I can open up other windows and do that so it's no biggee.


And maybe allowing that respective "Tab" to be grouped and displayed for multiple devices of the same type as above ?

Actually I'm not looking to argue at all.

In my opinion, I like the data segregated. So I like the new interface more.

In your opinion, you don't. And I have no need to try to convince you to feel otherwise.

On subjective topics there are no single answers.

You don't like it. Others do. Hubitat can never please everyone at the same time.


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Rick Nelson:

The existing interface is already a compromise, as are pretty much all interfaces. For simple devices the current 1 page presentation is probably fine. For complex ones it gets confusing. The current layout of rows of independent cells does minimize scrolling and makes the distance of scrolling from one section to another smaller. But it's not costless. Part of the confusion with complex devices is the rows of cells where things next to one another are not related and then having to move from the far right down to the far left to find the next item in order, sometimes for many rows. Adding tabs should allow for a cleaner more linear top to bottom presentation of both commands and preferences. But it's not there yet.

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:point_up_2: That. That's my point. (Making a more detailed post in the Beta section has been my 'next thing up' for over 3 hours now.

How about a 'Show All' tab. This would be good for simple devices.
Hhmm. We already have that. :wink: :slight_smile:

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I would like to look at the new interface and offer suggestions but I won't run beta software on a hub that is dependant on WAF so I'll work with whatever they give me. I may not like it but will learn to use it. After awhile it's all just muscle memory anyway.

I didn't really like the new RM UI when it came out but now have to stop and think whenever I edit something in RM legacy. We all adapt.

The only UI that I ever completely refused to use was Windows 8.


I think it would be great if users had the ability to choose either the "legacy" UI or the new fancy one, like the EZ Dashboards option.