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I've replaced many of my sensors with TR. I absolutely love AAA battery sensors. Motion sensor is a bit of a let down in some use cases as it's field of view is a bit narrow. Just realized today I bought a TR vibration sensor but have no idea what to do with it. I've had some Aqara vib sensors but they were too unreliable so I pulled them and found other ways to automate everything instead of vibration.

Any thoughts or interesting ideas on vibration sensor uses?

Electric dryer monitoring. I have a ST multisensor on mine that reports active when the dryer is running and I have a rule to notify me when done.

I couldn't get that to work sensitivity wise and my dryer is not a fancy smooth dryer. I solved that by putting a temp/humidity sensor on the inside of the door. The temp portion of the sensor stopped working the first time but it still reports humidity after a year of use.



You can send me in a DM debug logs that include several hours of operation.

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Not to clutter this thread up too much, but....

Your driver really does have an impact on the amount of readings sent by the hub!

With everything set to the max, (times and temp/hum sensitivities), I'm getting (delayed) reports every 5 minutes, with the sensor showing actuals. (See snip, below)

A couple of questions:

  1. I would've thought an extreme temperature or humidity change would've caused a reading, even with the maxed-out thresholds. Am I misunderstanding the logic?
  2. While admittedly I very rarely look at debug logs, is this device considered "chatty", as in being a drag on hub resources, especially when combined with other similar sensors?


Show us a screenshot of the Preferences section...
Are the settings as recommended here?

I tried for maximum effect, to see if it did anything. And, it does.
All preferences are set to maximum; .1 deg C Temp and 1 % Hum is almost what the sensor screen reads.
Every 5 minutes is great,
I'll have to play around with it I guess to see how the temp and hum sensitivities work in conjunction with the times.

There are two timing parameters- minimum reporting interval and maximum reporting interval for both the temperature and the humidity. Most of the wrong settings are here…

What were the settings of these 4 (four) timings?

I deliberately set these at the max to see if it would affect the readings, and it did!

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OK... I think that the 'Minimum time between temperature/humidity reprots' setting is not clear.

A value of 300 seconds means the following: do not report any change in the temperature, even if the temperature rises by 100 degrees - keep silent for 5 minutes since the last time the temperature was updated in Hubitat.

Do you have a proposal on how to change this parameter description to be clearer?

Normally, I would set this parameter to 30 seconds, which ensures that the sensor will send an update almost immediately when the temperature (or the humidity) changes above the threshold.

@kkossev , I'm not proposing to change anything!

The last driver I used, generic t/h I believe, couldn't change anything about the way the device reported!

I'm sure your driver can be tweaked for each user's needs, which is great!

I still have this question:
How "chatty" do you feel the device is?
I looked at the debug log, and it is quite busy, but admittedly, I don't look at debug logs often.
Would deploying several, or more, of them drag down hub performance, more so than other devices?

Hi @velvetfoot,

I probably did not express myself clearly. I was asking for help to better describe the 'minimum reporting period' and 'maximum reporting period' parameters in the driver, as I think the meaning of these preferences is often misunderstood.

The 'minimum time' parameter limits how often the sensor will report the temperature or the humidity. Example: if the 'minimum time' is set to 60 seconds, and the device itself sends 5 temperature reports in one minute - the effect will be that the driver will register only one event in HE - the last received. This is the 'software workaround' for chatty devices that do not accept or ignore the standard ZCL configuration reporting period.

For devices that follow the ZCL specifications, the 'minimum time' setting will effectively prevent the device itself from sending the T/H updates too frequently. A good example is SONOFF TH sensors. And at this time we still don't know whether the ThirdReality TH sensor obeys this setting or not.

The 'maximum time' parameter configures the time period in which the device should send obligatory a T/H update, even if the temperature or the humidity didn't change. As an example if you set the maximum time parameter to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), you should see new T/H events no less than 30 minutes apart. This is very useful for timeline graphs!

This depends on how the reporting periods are set and whether the device obeys the configuration or not. To verify, I propose using a 'minimum time' of 30 seconds and a 'maximum time' of 300 seconds (5 minutes); set the T/H threshold to the minimum settings (0,1C and 1% reporting thresholds). Enable the Debug logs, click on the 'Save Preferences' and leave the device in a steady environment where the temperature and the humidity will not change rapidly.
I will need to see the statistics in the driver 'Current States' section, as well as the full debug logs for several hours. You can send me the debug logs in a DM.

Definitely not.
The T/H sensors are at least 100 times less chatty than the Tuya mmWave sensors.. And I use a lot of them in HE without any issues.

I will include the ThirdReality T/H sensor to the Tuya driver this weekend and will notify you to update the driver, will add also a command to reset the statistics, so that we can better and easily understand how it performs.

We can also move this discussion into the Tuya T/H driver thread, as it may be better to keep this thread more generic. I expect today to receive the ThirdReality Matter Bridge together with their Water Leak Sensor :slight_smile:



I'll change the parameters and DM a debug log after several hours.
edit: I brought the sensor inside, but the environment is not climate controlled.

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Bought my first vibration sensor...
Now I need to find a use case for it :sweat_smile:


Also purchased a third reality temp/humidity sensor; will see how it compares with my Switchbot meter when taking a shower!

Third reality T/H



dev:37272024-05-13 08:08:18.198 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 57.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 08:08:18.183 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.5 °C

dev:37272024-05-13 08:05:03.156 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 57.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 08:05:03.144 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.7 °C

dev:37272024-05-13 08:04:44.112 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 56.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 08:04:44.100 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.7 °C

dev:37272024-05-13 08:03:23.696 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor Debug logging is false; Description text logging is true

dev:37272024-05-13 08:03:23.694 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor Updating Third reality T/H sensor (Generic Zigbee Temperature/Humidity Sensor) model 3RTHS24BZ manufacturer Third Reality, Inc modelGroupPreference = Auto detect (UNKNOWN)

dev:37272024-05-13 08:02:40.053 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 55.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 08:02:40.050 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104050A0000217C15, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0405, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:157C, clusterInt:1029, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:02:40.039 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.8 °C

dev:37272024-05-13 08:02:40.037 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104020A000029140A, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0402, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:29, command:0A, value:0A14, clusterInt:1026, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:28.023 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 54.0 % RH (delayed)

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:27.999 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.9 °C (delayed)

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:21.010 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor DELAYING 7 seconds event : [value:54, name:humidity, unit:% RH, type:delayed, isStateChange:true, descriptionText:humidity is 54.0 % RH]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:21.008 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104050A0000211815, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0405, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:1518, clusterInt:1029, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:20.987 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor DELAYING 7 seconds event : [name:temperature, unit:°C, value:25.9, type:delayed, isStateChange:true, descriptionText:temperature is 25.9 °C]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:20.985 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104020A0000291E0A, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0402, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:29, command:0A, value:0A1E, clusterInt:1026, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:17.966 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 54.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:17.964 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104050A0000211815, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0405, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:1518, clusterInt:1029, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:17.953 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 25.9 °C

dev:37272024-05-13 08:01:17.951 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104020A0000291E0A, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0402, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:29, command:0A, value:0A1E, clusterInt:1026, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 07:59:16.948 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor humidity is 53.0 % RH

dev:37272024-05-13 07:59:16.945 PMdebugThird reality T/H sensor parse() descMap = [raw:D0B50104050A000021B414, dni:D0B5, endpoint:01, cluster:0405, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:14B4, clusterInt:1029, attrInt:0]

dev:37272024-05-13 07:59:16.934 PMinfoThird reality T/H sensor temperature is 26.2 °C

Switchbot T/H meter

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Which driver did you use?
This device seems to be sending also three axis reports ...

Why of course the driver was created by none other than the infamous @kkossev Thank You :+1:



  • Tuya ZigBee Vibration Sensor
  • Device Driver for Hubitat Elevation hub
  • Tuya vibration sensor
  • Based on Mikhail Diatchenko (muxa) 'Konke ZigBee Motion Sensor' Version 1.0.2, based on code from Robert Morris and ssalahi.
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  • ver 1.0.3 2022-02-28 kkossev - inital version
  • ver 1.0.4 2022-03-02 kkossev - 'acceleration' misspelled bug fix
  • ver 1.0.5 2022-03-03 kkossev - Battery reporting
  • ver 1.0.6 2022-03-03 kkossev - Vibration Sensitivity
  • ver 1.0.7 2022-05-12 kkossev - TS0210 _TYZB01_pbgpvhgx Smart Vibration Sensor HS1VS
  • ver 1.0.8 2022-11-08 kkossev - TS0210 _TZ3000_bmfw9ykl
  • ver 1.1.0 2023-03-07 kkossev - added Import URL; IAS enroll response is sent w/ 1 second delay; added _TYZB01_cc3jzhlj ; IAS is initialized on configure();
  •                            TODO: healthStatus
  •                            TODO: Publish a new HE forum thread
  •                            TODO: minimum time filter : 
  •                            TODO: handle tamper: (zoneStatus & 1<<2); handle battery_low: (zoneStatus & 1<<3); TODO: check const sens = {'high': 0, 'medium': 2, 'low': 6}[value];


def version() { "1.1.0" }
def timeStamp() {"2023/03/07 2:10 PM"}

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Yesterday, I received my ThirdReality Vibration sensor 3RVS01031Z, and I was trying to understand what the three-axis sensor is and how to use it in Hubitat...

Is anyone actually using the Samsung or CentraLite multipurpose sensor XYZ data in Hubitat?

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ThirdReality vibration sensor is now supported in this custom driver ( adds online/offline healthStatus and three-axis readings )

Also, the last time when the TR sensor sent a battery report :



Good news from ThirdReality :

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