This has been mentioned in various threads, but I haven't seen anyone post this error. Hoping it will be helpful for debugging.
My Third Reality Motion sensor is reporting 39-44% battery even with new batteries. When I hit configure on the device page I get these errors in the logs. Hoping this helps:
When did you add them? IIRC, battery status updates took a day or so to populate for my Third Reality stuff when I initially added a new device, but I may be misremembering that.
Another long shot, but did you update their firmware? A f/w update for some 3R stuff (including motion sensors) was made available not too long ago... I recently took my 3R motion sensor out of service (after I updated it), so I unfortunately can't confirm what that latest firmware version # is.
I already tried hitting the update firmware button a few times (separate times), but don't see any updates happening. I did notice that one of the other sensors has a different firmware version though. However, even with a different fw, the battery value is not shown. is anyone else using this sensor able to see the battery %age?
The logs indicate some issue while reporting the power attribute.
wow, that would be a shame on 3R then. Not sure why would that be. Wonder if a firmware update from them should fix it. I will try to add one of these to the ST and see if it reports the battery there. I still have my ST hub purring in the cabinet for few of the wifi devices, i haven't ported over yet. I will report back tomorrow.
Interesting. Your firmware version also looks different than mine. Not sure where to get the firmware updates. I looked on the WWW, but couldn't find any resource for these. I will also try to remove and repair them and see if that helps at all.
As far as I can tell, the firmwareMT didn't change when I updated the firmware, but the softwareBuild is what changed. Zigbee firmwares are built into the hub. There's an "Update Firmware" command available for the device if a firmware is available. I've only ever updated this motion sensor and a couple Hue outdoor motion sensors on the ZB side.
Weird, so i removed and paired this to my ST hub, and battery an all other information can be seen using a developer provided edge driver.
I then tried multiple unpair/pair attempts with HE hub and finally see some difference. However, while now some info is available, some is missing. And moreover battery now shows as 200 instead of 100.
I tried clicking on the "Update Firmware" button, but nothing happens other than the button flashes a darker grey before reverting back to the lighter grey.
After hitting the update button you can view progress in the logs. It counts off in 10% increments.
I can’t remember exactly but I think mine took roughly 90 seconds for every 10%.
After it finishes, i think you need to hit configure again (if not somebody will correct me) and then some time later a refresh or by activating motion should bring up the new info.