Thermostat Scheduler [RELEASED]

You can check the App Events from the App status page (gear icon). It sounds like this is a thermostat issue if you can't control it from the device page. What kind of thermostat is it?

RT 101. Right now, it should have the heat set point at 70. But it's stuck on 64. Also, what is the "thermostatSetpoint"? I don't have anything set to to 73. Why are there three set points? Here's what the log says... I'll go click the gear in a minute:

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:43.224 pm infoThermostat Downstairs thermostatSetpoint is 73Ā°F

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:42.176 pm infoThermostat Downstairs thermostatFanMode is auto

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:40.240 pm infoThermostat Downstairs thermostatOperatingState is idle

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:38.179 pm infoThermostat Downstairs coolingSetpoint is 82Ā°F

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:36.218 pm infoThermostat Downstairs heatingSetpoint is 64Ā°F

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:34.182 pm infoThermostat Downstairs thermostatMode is auto

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:32.179 pm infoThermostat Downstairs humidity is 20%

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:30.385 pm infoThermostat Downstairs humidity is 20%

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:30.174 pm infoThermostat Downstairs temperature is 67Ā°F

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:29.371 pm infoThermostat Downstairs battery is 100%

dev:1382019-02-19 06:30:21.884 pm warnconfigure...

OK... the gear icon info says that it thinks the time period is "evening". But why it's set for 64 instead of 70.
Does this look normal?

timeHandler 2019-02-20 6:15:00 AM PST PENDING 0 15 6 * * ?
timeHandler 2019-02-19 9:00:00 PM PST PENDING 0 0 21 * * ?
timeHandler 2019-02-20 6:00:00 PM PST PENDING 0 0 18 * * ?

Sorry I'm making a mess of this question. Here is what the gear icon says:
One thing I notice is that it mentions the "Return" time period, which I was using at first, but then I deleted in in favor of one called "Evening" I wonder if that messed it up. I notice that these rules get stuck to devices even after you delete them. Maybe I should throw out this instance of ThermoScheduler and start again?

atTime1Evening time 6:00 PM
atTime1Night time 9:00 PM
atTime1Return time
atTime1Wake time -6:15 PM
cool1Evening decimal 78
cool1Leave decimal
cool1Night decimal 82
cool1Return decimal
cool1Wake decimal 78
deletePeriod1Evening bool
deletePeriod1Night bool
deletePeriod1Wake bool
ecoSet decimal
heat1Evening decimal 70
heat1Leave decimal
heat1Night decimal 64
heat1Return decimal
heat1Wake decimal 68
manCoolPt decimal
manHeatPt decimal
manHold bool
manMode enum
morePeriods0 bool
morePeriods1 bool
schedType bool
therm capability.thermostat Thermostat Downstairs
time1Evening enum A specific time
time1Night enum A specific time
time1Return enum A specific time
time1Wake enum A specific time
timeAway bool true
timeAwayCool decimal 82
timeAwayHeat decimal 64
timePeriod0 text Evening
timePeriod1 text
useDays bool
Event Subscriptions

Source Event Handler Filter

Farmhouse Hubitat (Location) thermSched extHandler false
Farmhouse Hubitat (Location) mode timeAwayHandler false
Application State

Name Value

coolingSetpoint 82.0
currentN 1
currentPeriod Evening
firstTime true
heatingSetpoint 64.0
modeTable {}
numberOfTimePeriods 1
oldLabel Thermostat Downstairs
oldOrder [Wake, Evening, Night]
schedType true
timeAway true
timeSort [Wake, Evening, Night]
timeTable {Night={Thu={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Tue={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Wed={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Sat={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Fri={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Mon={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}, Sun={heat=64.0, cool=82.0, time=9:00 PM}}, Evening={Thu={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Tue={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Wed={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Sat={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Fri={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Mon={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}, Sun={heat=70.0, cool=78.0, time=6:00 PM}}, Wake={Thu={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Tue={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Wed={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Sat={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Fri={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Mon={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}, Sun={heat=68.0, cool=78.0, time=6:15 AM}}}
Scheduled Jobs

Handler Next Run Time Prev Run Time Status Schedule

timeHandler 2019-02-20 6:15:00 AM PST PENDING 0 15 6 * * ?
timeHandler 2019-02-19 9:00:00 PM PST PENDING 0 0 21 * * ?
timeHandler 2019-02-20 6:00:00 PM PST PENDING 0 0 18 * * ?

What I was suggesting is that you click on Events on that App Status page. That will show you what Thermostat Scheduler did. So you can see if it is doing what you expect or not. I think you will find that the issue lies with the thermostat itself.

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice the "events" tab,
So, if this is the app sending instructions, it stopped yesterday morning. My fobs left, and it seems to have correctly gone into Away... but when I came back for an hour, it apparently never resumed the schedule. (Is it supposed to? With no documentation I can find, I really don't understand what the app can or should do). Anyway, it never resumed schedule. Then I left town for a day, and returned late afternoon on the 19th. I see it never registered me leaving again or coming back, either yesterday or today. At 9:27 am on the 18th, everything stopped while I was "Away".

ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Away Cooling Setpoint 82.0 2019-02-18 09:27:19.238 AM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Away Heating Setpoint 64.0 2019-02-18 09:27:19.205 AM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Cooling Setpoint 78.0 2019-02-18 06:15:00.314 AM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Heating Setpoint 68.0 2019-02-18 06:15:00.267 AM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Cooling Setpoint 82.0 2019-02-17 09:00:00.270 PM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Heating Setpoint 64.0 2019-02-17 09:00:00.235 PM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Cooling Setpoint 78.0 2019-02-17 06:00:00.156 PM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Heating Setpoint 70.0 2019-02-17 06:00:00.138 PM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Cooling Setpoint 78.0 2019-02-17 03:58:07.817 PM PST
ThermoScheduler Days/Times Schedule Heating Setpoint 68.0 2019-02-17 03:58:07.790 PM PST

8 posts were split to a new topic: Mode doesn't change from Away

I am going to ask this question here in hopes that it clears my situation up without going into a long drawn out post.
I thought that by setting a time/day schedule and an away setpoint that my thermostat would run on it's schedule when I am home (home mode) and hold at the away temp (away mode) until I returned home (home mode).
I found that upon returning the temp would stay at the away hold temp until the next time/day event in the schedule.
I solved this by creating rules that set the temperature appropriately depending on the time of day of my arrival. It then seems to carry on with it's time/day schedule.
What I am finding now is that the temperature is set at the away temperature upon departure but the schedule takes over again at the next time/day event.
Should it not stay at the away setpoint until the mode becomes home upon my arrival.
Guess this is still the long version. Sorry

I found that by setting thermostat scheduler into hold and then run again immediately it forces it to update the setpoint(s) to what they currently should be. I use it if I have made any changes to settings in RM, I set it to hold, make the changes and then run and it immediately takes up the new settings whereas otherwise it would wait until the next time change. So if you created a rule that did that on return from away it would fix it I think. Ideally scheduler would do that automatically but it is a work round.

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While the thread is revived, I thought I'd bump my request for the current active time period to be made available as an attribute or similar so that it could be displayed in a dashboard.

The current setpoints are obviously available through the thermostat itself, but it would be very helpful for an "at a glance" check as to the state of the scheduler.


I will like to have possiblility to define multiple schedulers and to be able to enable one of them from rules. Here is my scenario :

  1. Normal time when working and kids a t school. Set lowe temperatue when everybody leave home. Turn it on one our before any of us comming home for week days and not stopping for weekend.
  2. Vacation at home: not reducing the temperature
  3. vacation away for multiple days: reducing the temperature

Is this possible somehow?

This is possible using Rule Machine to control Thermostat Scheduler.

The normal setup for Thermostat Scheduler would be what you describe for 1. Then you have rules for each of 2 and 3. Each of these could be done just by using Hold in Thermostat Scheduler. There would also be rule to remove the Hold, returning to the number 1 setup. You would have to decide how to run each of these rules, which is essentially how you tell the system which of the three conditions to be in.

Thanks for quick answer. Is working :slight_smile: I am using a global variable from my mode and for each value I can set what I want for thermostat scheduler

one more question. I use a rule to set Days/times setpoints. When rule runs the set poins are seted but they are not applyed until I go in thermostat scheduler and enter in edit mode for schedule.

So when I open thermostat scheduler I still see old values. Then I enter in edit mode for scheduler and there I see new values and without any change but pressing done the values are changed and info send to thermostats. Do I need somehow to apply changes?


This is probably nothing more than a UI thing. Is the Thermostat Scheduler app already open in a tab when the rule runs? If so, you would need to refresh the page. Are the values not being sent to thermostat when the rule runs? It would be good if you could show some logs for this.

I will investigate, but I'm pretty sure it sends the values to the thermostat when the rule runs.

I just check it. I look on the device itself after refresh. Is not set. But when I apply the next temperature it will set previous one.
1 Temp is 21 set it to 16 - device is still on 21
2 try to set it to 25 - device is set to 16

and so on.

But if in between I open the thermostat scheduler and edit then on pressing done the current temperatures are apply.

I t looks like some save is not executed like the one when you pres done.


I will look into it.

I found two problems with Thermostat Scheduler. First, and the more serious, is that it does fail to set the thermostat after being set by a rule. That one has been fixed, and will be in the next release. The second problem is that it doesn't display the updated setting on the main page where it shows the settings. This one will be fixed also. Thanks for your persistence.

Thanks a lot

Thank you. I moved away from the Thermostat Scheduler because of problems like this. My rules were working well until just recently when they started misbehaving also. The old issue of the setting being changed and then immediately reverting to the previous setting has cropped up again. The odd thing is that it will work several times and then misbehave. I thought it was a WiFi issue, but even trying to set up my WiFi to use 2.4 GHz band channel 1 while the hub to which the thermostat is linked (C4) is set to Zigbee channel 20 which should be more than far enough away from the frequency to minimize the possibility of interference. I am also trying to use the 5 GHz band WiFi channels as much as possible.

If the scheduler is fixed now, I may start using it again instead of the rules I made.

The issues in Thermostat Schedule had solely to do with it begin controlled by Rule Machine, from rules that change its settings,.