Thermostat controller 2.0 error

Any luck on fixing this error?
Error: Cannot invoke method capitalize() on null object

If so, maybe a detailed work around? I've just started with hubitat (long time smartthings refugee) so still trying to figure my way around. I was able to include the Zwave thermostat, and manual control it through devices, but adding it to the dashboard without a thermostat controller app seems useless.


I was able to successfully add two Zen Zigbee Thermostats, it's just these older GoControl Zwave thermostats that don't seem to play nice with the app. I can control the GoControl by manually changing the settings in the device list, but can't get a button on a dashboard to control or report correctly.

Does hubitat allow the use of custom DTH's like smartthing Groovy IDE allowed? I used to have one, that I believe was coded by rboy, that I needed to use to get these to work properly. Perhaps a solution?


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