The First Certified Z-Wave Long Range Device is Here

They did this to make it more secure out of the box, mostly for marketing reasons. But from a technical standpoint it also makes the code base slightly simpler because there's only one pairing method instead of multiple.

Probably not. The LR firmware is a completely different firmware than the non LR one. And my suspicion is that we are currently using the non LR firmware on these hubs.

That is the case on most hubs anyway.

So to include LR support they would probably have to go back and test the hub on the other firmware.

Not to mention they would have to add all the gui elements for LR pairing as well. It is my belief, based on absolutely no actual data at all, that we are probably a ways away from hubitat supporting LR.

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Great info thanks for the response! :+1:

Given Hubitat’s history of generally not commenting on future development (IIRC, as an example, Matter etc) it seems we will not know until we know. Still . . . Remaining hopeful for the possibility of HE compatibility.

To be honest, if I were HE, I'd probably wait even longer until there is more than a single device that leverages it. Opportunity cost is everything, and unless they know for certain we are about to see an influx of Long Range Devices, they may be better off working on other things and other drivers v.s. limited device support.

But that's very much the business product manager in me speaking.


There is no reason to support LR "today" other than marketing.

Need more devices before it is worth the development time to implement it. In my opinion.

Unless you are just going for a "first" marketing bullet.


We do know, Hubitat has already said what they were doing here, in fairly good detail.


My bad . . . thanks for the link @neonturbo! Great info there :+1:
Still, the first line is telling, lol.

Seriously tho, thanks. Lots of great info there (looking down at his feet in shame for being wrong).

BTW, does anyone know if this has already been implemented? The link states that “this is a planned feature for 2.2.6.” I am now on

The code is there.. And tested with the SiLabs dev kit… However a decision to hold off was made as the standard was still being changed and there were no real devices to test with.. This new device listed is not available anywhere and not listed on certified devices yet, so this is obviously early marketing.. But I am hopeful that this may mean a real device soon..


We've been told that older mesh networks can co-exist with the LR star topology... here's my question: will devices paired to an LR controller as legacy mesh-style devices be requird to use S2 auth or S2 access? I have a ton of devices that won't support these methods, as i suspect do many others. S2 unauth is as far as they go...

Yes it can


No.. legacy mesh devices will not require S2


I am spinning up a new network soon using a C8 and ZEN76/77 S2 switches and dimmers which are 800LR compatible. I have looked all over and I don't see it actually said that the C8 supports LR with current firmware.....does it ? Safe assumption that all the LR stuff will be star while the older stuff will be legacy mesh ? Can a legacy 500 battery powered sensor use a ZEN76 for backhaul ??

Much appreciated

Current firmware doesn’t support LR. @bcopeland might have an idea of when one that does support it with the C-8 will be available.


I keep seeing a lot about S2 vs S0. I have a C5 and I'm guessing it doesn't even support S2 because I see no options or anything saying S2 anywhere, is this correct?

Correct, S2 was added with the C7.

If you pair it as traditional zwave then it can mesh with all the other devices. If paired as LR they do not route for other devices. I did confirm this here: Z-Wave Long Range unlocks new possibilities for IoT automation

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What would everyones switch of choice be with a new C8...starting from scratch ?

Thanks...great read!

My go-to are Inovelli. They have them in Zigbee (Blue) and Z-Wave (Red). They have been out of stock for a bit - they keep producing more than they think will sell, and then they sell out after a few weeks. I understand however that they have a shipment that is on its way so should have some in stock in a week or so.


I never used them, my current network is a mix of Jasco zwave gen1, some zwave plus, some zoom switches and ge enbrighten zigbee. I want to stick to one kind if possible in my next network. I am looking into the Zoom 800 series S2 switches and dimmers.