can anyone point me to a possible driver?
seems like the ts0201 is used in multiple devices
Have you tried the Generic Zigbee Temperature/Humidity Sensor?
yes, no joy
The number that is relevant to your search is dowj6gyi.
Be sure to click "Configure" on the device page after changing drivers. Make sure you wake up the device while clicking "Configure".
I have those. 2 of them never worked correctly. With the Tuya driver linked above, I could see that it would pair and report battery only. Every 4-hours I'd get a battery status in the logs (or when I hit the reset).
Bought 3 more from a different seller that where the listing was labeled "Zigbee 3.0". Those ones work perfectly with the Generic driver, the Sonoff Temp & Humidity driver, or the Tuya one above.
You have to be careful with that. I'll add the specific post here if I can find it, but it was warned that if you change the parameters of some Zigbee T&H sensors with a different driver, don't hit configure when you change back to the appropriate driver, as that can cause the parameter change to revert back to the initial parameters that one was originally trying to change from.
However, in this instance, the OP doesn't have the correct driver and is being advised to change to a driver that will work.
"Genuine" zigbee 3.0 devices should work with the built-in drivers because they will fall back to ZHA 1.2
Whoops! I'll go learn how to read now. Thanks for the correction!
mine seems to be working, they were advertised as 3.0, I woke it up and configured like mentioned and it seems to work.
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