Revisions history:
- ver. 1.0.0 2022-01-25 - Initial test version
- ver. 1.0.2 2022-02-06 - Tuya commands refactoring; TS0222 T/H poll on illuminance change (EP2); modelGroupPreference bug fix; dynamic parameters depending on the model; Tuya commands refactoring; TS0222 T/H poll on illuminance change (EP2); modelGroupPreference bug fix; dyncamic parameters
- ver. 1.0.3 2022-02-13 - _TZE200_c7emyjom fingerprint added;
- ver. 1.0.4 2022-02-20 - Celsius/Fahrenheit correction for TS0601_Tuya devices
- ver. 1.0.5 2022-04-25 - added TS0601_AUBESS (illuminance only); ModelGroup is shown in State Variables
- ver. 1.0.6 2022-05-09 - new model 'TS0201_LCZ030' (_TZ3000_qaaysllp)
- ver. 1.0.7 2022-06-09 - new model 'TS0601_Contact'(_TZE200_pay2byax); illuminance unit changed to 'lx; Bug fix - all settings were reset back in to the defaults on hub reboot
- ver. 1.0.8 2022-08-08
- _TZE200_pay2byax contact state and battery reporting fixes;
- removed degrees symbol from the logs;
- removed temperatureScaleParameter ( the driver uses the HE hub system C/F scale setting)
- humiditySensitivity and temperatureSensitivity bug fixes;
- '_TZE200_locansqn' (TS0601_Haozee) bug fixes
- decimal/number parameters types bug fixes;
- added temperature and humidity offsets;
- configured parameters (including C/F HE scale) are sent to the device when paired again to HE;
- added Minimum time between temperature and humidity reports;
- ver. 1.0.9 2022-10-02 - configure _TZ2000_a476raq2 reporting time; added TS0601 _TZE200_bjawzodf; code cleanup
- ver. 1.0.10 2022-10-11 - _TZ3000_itnrsufe' reporting configuration bug fix?; reporting configuration result Info log; added Sonoff SNZB-02 fingerprint; reportingConfguration is sent on pairing to HE;
- ver. 1.0.11 2022-11-17 - added _TZE200_whkgqxse; fingerprint correction; _TZ3000_bguser20 _TZ3000_fllyghyj _TZ3000_yd2e749y _TZ3000_6uzkisv2
- ver. 1.1.0 2022-12-18 :
- added info attribute;
- delayed reporting configuration when the sleepy device wakes up;
- excluded TS0201 model devices in the delayed configuration (TS0201 _TH are configurable!)
- _TZE200_locansqn fingerprint correction and max reporting periods formula correction
- added TS0601_Soil _TZE200_myd45weu ; added _TZE200_znbl8dj5 _TZE200_a8sdabtg _TZE200_qoy0ekbd
- ver. 1.1.1 2023-01-14 - added _TZ3000_ywagc4rj TS0201_TH; bug fix: negative temperatures not calculated correctly;
- ver. 1.2.0 2023-01-15 - parsing multiple DP received in one command;
- ver. 1.2.1 2023-01-15 - _TZE200_locansqn fixes;_TZ3000_bguser20 correct model;
- ver. 1.3.0 2023-02-02- healthStatus; added capability 'Health Check'
- ver. 1.3.1 2023-02-10 - added RH3052 TUYATEC-gqhxixyk ;
- ver. 1.3.2 2023-03-04 - added TS0601 _TZE200_zl1kmjqx _TZE200_qyflbnbj, added TS0201 _TZ3000_dowj6gyi and _TZ3000_8ybe88nf
- ver. 1.3.3 2023-04-23 - _TZE200_znbl8dj5 inClusters correction; ignored invalid humidity values; implemented ping() and rtt (round-trip-time) attribute;
- ver. 1.3.4 2023-04-24 - send rtt 'timeout' if ping() fails; added resetStats command; added individual stat.stats counters for T/H/I/battery; configuration possible loop bug fix;
- ver. 1.3.5 2023-05-28 - sendRttEvent exception fixed; added _TZE200_cirvgep4 in TS0601_Tuya group; fingerprint correction; battery reports are capped to 100% and not ignored;
- ver. 1.3.6 2023-06-10 added _TZE200_yjjdcqsq to TS0601_Tuya group;
- ver. 1.3.7 2023-08-02 vpjuslin -Yet another name for Tuya soil sensor: _TZE200_ga1maeof
- ver. 1.3.8 2023-08-17 - added OWON THS317-ET for tests; added TS0201 _TZ3000_rdhukkmi; added TS0222 _TYZB01_ftdkanlj
- ver. 1.3.9 2023-09-29 - added Sonoff SNZB-02P; added TS0201 _TZ3210_ncw88jfq; moved _TZE200_yjjdcqsq and _TZE200_cirvgep4 to a new group 'TS0601_Tuya_2'; added _TZE204_upagmta9, added battery state 'low', 'medium', 'high'
- ver. 1.3.10 2023-11-28 - added TS0222 _TYZB01_fi5yftwv; added temperature scale (C/F) and temperature sensitivity setting for TS0601_Tuya_2 group;
- ver. 1.4.0 2023-11-28 - bug fix - healthStatus periodic job was not started; _TZ3000_qaaysllp illuminance dp added;
- ver. 1.5.0 2024-01-18 - Groovy lint; added TS0601 _TZE200_vvmbj46n to TS0601_Tuya_2 group; _TZE200_qyflbnbj fingerprint correction;
- ver. 1.5.1 2024-02-13 - bugfix: battery reporting period for non-Tuya devices.
- ver. 1.5.2 2024-05-14 - added _TZE204_upagmta9 and _TZE200_upagmta9 to TS0601_Tuya_2 group; healthStatus initialized as 'unknown';
- ver. 1.6.0 2024-05-19 - added the correct NOUS TS0601 _TZE200_nnrfa68v fingerprint to group 'TS0601_Tuya'; all Current States and Preferences are cleared on initialize command;
ver. 1.6.1 2024-06-10 - added ThirdReality 3RTHS0224Z and 3RTHS24BZ - ver. 1.6.2 2024-06-26 - added TS000F _TZ3218_7fiyo3kv in DS18B20 group (temperature only); added Tuya cluster command '06' processing; added description in the debug logs
- ver. 1.6.3 2024-07-16 - added TS0601 _TZE204_yjjdcqsq to TS0601_Tuya_2 group;
- ver. 1.6.4 2024-07-23 - added Tuya Smart Soil Tester _TZE284_aao3yzhs into 'TS0601_Soil_II'
- ver. 1.6.5 2024-08-09 - bugfix: TS0201 _TZ3000_dowj6gyi moved back to TS0201 group;
- ver. 1.6.6 2024-08-14 - added TS0601 _TZE204_myd45weu; added TS0601 _TZE204_qyflbnbj
- ver. 1.6.7 2024-10-23 - added TS0222 _TZ3000_kky16aay in a new 'TS0222_Soil' group
- ver. 1.6.8 2024-11-19 - added TS0601 _TZE284_sgabhwa6 and _TZE284_nhgdf6qr into 'TS0601_Soil_II'; added _TZE200_qrztc3ev _TZE200_snloy4rw _TZE200_eanjj2pa _TZE200_ydrdfkim into 'TS0601_Tuya' group
- ver. 1.7.0 2024-11-23 - temperatureOffset and humidityOffset moved outside of the configParams; added queryAllTuyaDPs() on Refresh
- ver. 1.8.0 2024-12-30 - HE platform 2.4.0.x compatibility patch
The latest development version is available from the development branch on GitHub: