Sylvania Smart+ RGBW Strip Problems

Someone else had a nearly idential problem here:

I bought my 3rd set of Sylvania RGBW light strips, all the same model. The other two have worked great. I installed the latest set, but it's behaving differently than the others.

While the other sets loaded up in Color Mode RGB, this new one is Color Mode CT. Furthermore, I can only adjust the Color Temperature, not the color itself.

All of the sets are using the same Generic ZigBee RGBW Light driver. I've tried using other drivers on this rogue strip, no luck. I do also see that the firmware is newer on this strip, according to Hubitat: 102428 vs 102055 on the working strips.

Any ideas how to get these lights to behave like the others?

When you changed drivers, did you hit “configure” on the driver page after saving. All of the strips should work on 102428 firmware, as that is the latest Ledvance firmware for these. I’m very surprised that the strip came with it already installed as none of my Sylvania Ledvance lights have come with anything but original firmware. Makes me think it was returned.

No, I hadn't hit "Configure." So I just factory reset it, readopted it and switched the driver from the default "Advanced" to "Generic" RGBW Light. Saved, then hit configure.

Still is in CT mode, and I can't do anything but set the color temperature and level. I can't adjust any colors. Maybe this is why it was perhaps returned?

I switched it to "Advanced Zigbee RGBW" then hit SAVE and Configure. It went to RGB mode, and I switched back to the "Generic Zigbee RGBW" driver. Still in RGB mode. But unresponsive. It'll turn on and off, but not responding to color changed.

I think you're right, someone returned it and I got it. I'll swap it out if it doesn't shape up.

Thanks for your help.

I updated my strips to 102428 using my smartthings hub in an attempt to get the strips to connect to my hue hub. When that didn't work, I reconnected to hubitat. I had the same problem as you, but was able to get it to work by:

  1. Set device to "Generic Zigbee RGBW", then save.
  2. Click Configure
    3 Set device to "Advanced Zigbee RGBW", then save
  3. Click Configure

When I did stip 4, the strips began to cycle through the LED chips (R, G, B, W), then stopped on pure blue and the "color name under "Current States" on the device page indicated that the color was blue. Once that process was complete, I was able to set the colors on both the device page and using the "Color Bulb" tile in my dashboard.

Hope this works for you.

This is the driver I prefer to use with these. Set the parameters, hit save, and see if that makes a difference. I generally don’t go under 500ms on any of them because it seemed to cause problems when I tried ASAP.