SwitchBot gets an open API!

I used HPM. I just went through HPM and modified the 'hubitat_switchbot' to include the Humidifier as it was missing the device driver for it.
That change did the trick! Thanks for the pointer.

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I added MeterPlus support in version 0.9.10. Thanks @failmatic for your help with testing.


Please let me know if this is not allowed, but is anyone here interested in any or all of the 3 Switchbot curtain robots (rod) in white that I am selling? I also have the grommet kits and solar panels as well. PM me if you are interested. In the Los Angeles area if you want to pickup or we can workout shipping arrangements.

Might get better exposure as its own topic in the Lounge area.


I fell for their email marketing and bought an RGB Strip Light to play with.

Strip Light driver support was added in v0.9.11 of my drivers. If you use HPM, be sure to install the optional Strip Light driver component.


@tomw - first of all, thank you for this awesome integration -- it's a huge win!

I may have missed it on your github, but if you have a paypal for donations, please let me know -- I'd love to contribute for your work here and with Flume!!

I'm excited about the ability to use SB scenes, since my window fan remotes have unorthox buttons... I've got 6 control-related scenes working fine in the SB app and they've all successfully been integrated to HE using your driver here.

I can use the (indicated) "Execute Scene" option below to successfully run a scene.

But can you please tell me how I can leverage/access that same "Execute Scene" capability via RM or Button Controller or something like that?

For the life of me, I'm not able to connect the dots... I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

Thanks in advance!

Edit - replaced original screenshot since it had some hub/device IDs that I'm not sure were vulnerable or not - better safe than sorry!


Thanks for your kind words. No need to donate to me -- just try to find a way to pay it forward to someone that needs it.

Good catch on this not being ready for use with Rule Machine. You'll have to use "Run Custom Action" to execute this command.

I had to make a quick change (added "Actuator" type so you can select that in Rule Machine). I didn't update the version number, so just use a "Repair" in HPM to get the update and you should be good to go.

I didn't try this myself, but it should work:

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Perfecto - so much winning! Between this and Flume, you are my hero for delivering on a couple of great API integrations here. Thank you again - your work on these projects is much appreciated.

This switchbot HubMini IR remote integration is allowing me to automate a couple dumb window fans that I wouldn't otherwise be able to integrate at all - I love it.

And for anyone considering a SwitchBot hub or Broadlink RM4 for IR remote stuff, the SwitchBot crushes the RM4 on better range and more forgiving placement options, but this integration is definitely the biggest win!

Thanks again, @tomw!


I got a great deal on Switchbots to finally put them on a few things in the house. I set one up but can’t control it through Hubitat. Do I need to have a Switchbot hub? If I do, which one? Do I need one in every room where a switchbot is located?

Yes. This is a cloud integration. The SwitchBot Curtains are connected by BT to the SwitchBot hub.

The Hub-mini should work. The older hub isn't available anymore to the best of my knowledge.

No. Just one.


Thank you. And just to confirm, the mini hub will control the bots too?

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It is supposed to, but I have never tested it.

Yes, the hub mini works with Bots.

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Thank you. I’m going to have to find my mini hub. It’s somewhere in a miscellaneous drawer or box! :smiley:

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Just got a SwitchBot Door Lock device and a keypad - Any suggestions on how to go about integrating that into Hubitat?



I'll have to add them to the driver -- I was waiting for someone to ask. :wink:

I am in the process of adding the new webhook support that the SwitchBot API recently added for real time events (no polling!). I'll send you some code that will help spit out the info that I need to add Lock support.


Sounds great! Thank you!

Is this applicable to the SwitchBot Curtains?
As of now I am using yours cloud-based HE SwitchBot driver in parallel
with HA-HE Bridge. HA SwitchBot integration seems to be cloud-free.

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Not sure any integration that uses the Switchbot hub is fully local, but this integration using a D1-Mini is.

Right, the webhook interface that I mentioned is much more responsive than polling but still has a cloud dependency (using the SwitchBot hub).

You have to have a separate controller (like an ESP32 or RPi) to communicate locally with BLE-enabled devices.