Support for Ring Alarm Contact Sensor V2?

Might try it with SmartStart - set up the entry in SmartStart, remove and re-insert the batteries,...

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I will give that try when I get home. I hadn't thought of that. Thank you.

I also had troubles with the Ring contact sensor v2.
Seems to boiling down to some diferences in the US and the EU version chipset.
Should be fixed in the next Hubitat firmware.

The trick for me was:

  • Scan the QR of the sensor from my cellphone in the hubitat app.
  • Wait for it to auto-join
  • set the device type to the contact sensor v1
  • hit configure
  • wait for five minutes while triggering the sensor a couple of times
  • change the devicetype back to the V2 sensor

After these steps the sensor has been rock solid in my case.

The scan of the QR code is an option under SmartStart if anyone is wondering…

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So Are we safe to say, the Ring Contact Sensor only works on a C-7 and not on a C-5? I have a C-5 with latest updates and can not get this to work. The Hub did find the sensor but will not do anything

this might be a stupid question, but here goes. Will doing this allow my Ring door sensors to work with my Ring hub and the Hubitat hub? I have ring for my alarm with sensors. I am just now changing over to the Hubitat from SmartThings and currently I have 2 sensors on all my key doors and windows because SmartThings didn't play well with Ring. Will doing this make it so I can only have the ring sensor on my door and use it with Ring and Hubitat?

Welcome to the community!

No. The Ring Z-Wave mesh is a separate mesh from the Hubitat Z-Wave mesh. Now, if you exclude your Ring contact sensors from the Ring hub and include them on Hubitat, then the answer would be they would then be on Hubitat’s mesh but not the Ring mesh.

Can’t be on both meshes at once.

I have 6 Ring Alarm Extender Gen 2 devices on my Hubitat hub, and they are great, but are not on a Ring mesh.

I use the Ring V2 contact sensor and the performance is really lackluster and sometimes horrible. I have two that are each 10' from the hub, are direct connect at 100kbps yet the rtt on one is 4643 ms. Sometimes I will wait multiple seconds for an automation to happen. The other contact sensor connects at 40kbps. I had hoped that these sensors would be much crisper given they use the 700 technology. Any ideas on what I should look at?
is there a way to include these without the S2 security so I can see if that helps?

I wouldn't suggest including them anyway other then with S2 and what they want by default.

After Smartthings killled the ADT Smartthings hub I replaced all the alarm gear with Ring gen 2 gear. That was all the motion, contact sensors and keypad. They have for the most part worked really well. I do have several repeaters in play and i would suggest that as you add zwave devices you also scale out your zwave repeaters.

The only time I have had issues has been when the batteries died on my motion sensors.

There is also a integration that would allow you to integrate the Ring system with Hubitat that may work for you.

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these things area so tempermental. i pull the plastic to connect the batteries, then i get 3 green flashes, repeat. hold the button for 3 seconds, same green flashing. hold it for longer, same green flashing. it doesn't rapidly blink.

i know this process works as i did it with one previously, but it was so annoying with that one too

EDIT: after 5 minutes of fiddling, got it connected xD...this is going to be a long day

Did you try using Smartstart to add it. I used that for all of my 18 gen 2 contact sensors, keypad, and 2 gen 3 motion sensors. And it worked everytime.

Scan the qr code to add it. Then confirm the security settings. Dont change anything. Then pull the battery tab. In 30 sec to 1 min it would be added.

i did try the smartstart, but it was taking forever.

i ultimately just went closer to the hub and it paired a lot faster. i was doing it at my workbench, which is farther away from the hub. once i took the sensors closer, and paired it on my phone, it was smooth sailing (after i removed some ghosts)

i got them connected, but they're not showing with S2 authentication. is this expected? they work no problems though. also, not sure why one is 40kbps and the others are 100kbps, but again it all works, so i'm not really complaining, just curious if i did this correctly or not

Hey if they are working then great. I have always thought that caused issues. You may have skipped that when adding them.

The speed is just another reflection of how good the device connects to the zwave mesh. It doesnt take much speed to indicate open or closed so even if it dropped to 9.6kbps it would likely be fine.

i did "add with security" when that popped up, so not sure why it didnt pair with any :man_shrugging:

How often does the Ring V2 contact sensor “wake” to get config updates? I disabled the LED on open/close and wondering how long it will take to go into effect

I think it is about 24 hours by default. I would think pushing the button or sliding it off the battery cover to trigger an alarm would help force the config update as well.