I have opened a ticket with ActionTiles, asking for support of Hubitat. They loved the idea, but will only develop support if enough users vote for it. Please go here, and vote.
Just used +3 votes for this.
Same… +3
Looks promising. Keep the vote coming!
I voted and put out the word in the ST Community as well, so anyone thinking of moving to Hubitat, but concerned that there is no support for ActionTiles, will be able to help move toward the goal of correcting that discrepancy. Help spread the word so we can get the votes needed!
Gave it my +3 also.
Added my last +2
I saw that post before I saw this post. When I saw it I instantly added +3.
Thanks. I forgot to do that there. Too focused on this new hub…
Just put in my +3
Great news! They were impressed by the upvotes and the similarities to ST. They will need some answers that need t come from the Hubitat developers…
Please see here https://support.actiontiles.com/communities/12/topics/3345-support-for-hubitat#comment-14599
I am excited to read an official response from Hubitat. Even with the web based nature of ActionTiles, I and others need this missing component.
The last we heard from ActionTiles, they had no interest in adopting ActionTiles for Hubitat. Nor were they willing to allow us to distribute SmartTiles, even though it works well with Hubitat. We had requested this as we knew it would be desired by many of our customers. Community members have made SmartTiles work with Hubitat (see here: How to setup SmartTiles on Hubitat). We also offered to help them with the technical information they needed to accomplish making ActionTiles work, an offer they declined.
So, the “official response” from Hubitat is that the ball is in ActionTile’s court.
We plan to offer our own dashboard functionality in the not distant future.
That was the last time when you guys were just started and they were not sure. Hopefully they are changing their minds since then. There's a high interest in this App and hopefully things will work out. It's good for both Actiontiles and Hubitat and a major win for the users. Either way, it's not the end of the world since SmartTiles is working locally and it's more than my dashboard expectation. Can't wait to see what kind of dashboard you guys have in store.
When I asked ActionTiles, they converted my inquiry into an online vote, and after we got around 100 votes (if i am remembering the number right) they closed voting and tue owner issued a statement, which I forwarded the link to the subject in my email to support@hubitat. I guess what I was not clear about is that they recognize the growth momentum and are open to the idea. They have some concerns and hubitat would be a second class citizen to the platform, and that they apparently have some partnership with samsung that may affect their ability to support hubitat.
Any update on this? I know that hubitat has dashboards now, but am still interested in whether or not this will materialize.
Don't hold your breath! So far they have decided not to work with us.
Are there specific features of ActionTiles that we don't support yet?
I'm surprised folks aren't piling on after that question. Here are a few of the things keeping me using Active Tiles, mostly UX stuff, but I understand some of it is non-trivial to implement:
Relabeling of tiles (some of my devices have quite long names or codes that the wife would never understand)
Media tiles, tap to enlarge/shrink (eg a weather map, or security cam @ 3x2 tile normally, but sometimes i want to see it BIG for a moment)
Structure ... In AT, the tiles auto-reorganize when the resolution or aspect ratio of the browser window changes, if stuff doesn't fit you just scroll down the page for some of it. Whereas Hubitat Dashboards seem to focus on tiles keeping their relative positions, instead of rearranging themselves fluidly, they resize ... but at the same time the tile contents don't resize. So what looks ok on my computer, leads to an overlapping mess on my phone. It's not practical to make a different dashboard for every different resolution I might need.
All I can do is laugh! You should understand that Dashboard is in its infancy, implemented only weeks ago, ActionTiles is about 4 years old. I remember when ActionTiles was called ActiON, and it was a few weeks old.
Having said that, Terry and Alex have shown no interest in porting ActionTiles to Hubitat, having hitched their wagon to Samsung SmartThings evidently. We tried to talk them into it, but to no avail. We and others ported SmartTiles over with minimal effort, but that has distribution restrictions.
We will take your comments as good suggestions for improvement going forward! Thanks.
Oh I totally get it ... but, you know, technically ... you did ask, and if folks don't say how else would you know?
I can understand them wanting to back a horse and just be done with it, the install-base for ST is quite large. It's a pity they can't see what I see ... although everything is relative I guess and they'd say the same thing right back at me probably.
Where could I find information on the API to interact with hubitat from another system? I will be working on an iOS app by end of year to provide a kiosk type interface like actionTiles for my newly remodeled home. I want something clean, and easy on the eyes which there is no current solition.