This a stripped down, modified HEM driver that I am using. It spits out an error now and then which I have not taken the time to track down. This should get your HEM reporting wattage at least.
* Aeon HEMv2+
* Copyright 2014 Barry A. Burke, modified for Hubitat by Steve W.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Aeon Home Energy Meter v2 (US)
* Author: Barry A. Burke
* Contributors: Brock Haymond: UI updates
* Genesys: Based off of Aeon Smart Meter Code sample provided by SmartThings (2013-05-30). Built on US model
* may also work on international versions (currently reports total values only)
* -
metadata {
// Automatically generated. Make future change here.
definition (
name: "Aeon HEMv2+",
namespace: "Green Living",
category: "Green Living",
author: "Barry A. Burke"
capability "Energy Meter"
capability "Power Meter"
capability "Configuration"
capability "Sensor"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Polling"
attribute "volts", "string"
attribute "voltage", "string" // We'll deliver both, since the correct one is not defined anywhere
attribute "amps", "string"
attribute "lastPoll", "string"
command "reset"
command "configure"
command "refresh"
command "poll"
command "toggleDisplay"
command "disableReporting"
// v1 fingerprint deviceId: "0x2101", inClusters: " 0x70,0x31,0x72,0x86,0x32,0x80,0x85,0x60"
fingerprint deviceId: "0x3101", inClusters: "0x70,0x32,0x60,0x85,0x56,0x72,0x86"
preferences {
section {
image(name: 'educationalcontent', multiple: true, images: [
section {
input "kWhCost", "string", title: "\$/kWh (0.16)", description: "0.16", defaultValue: "0.16" as String
input "kWhDelay", "number", title: "kWh report seconds (60)", /* description: "120", */ defaultValue: 120
input "detailDelay", "number", title: "Detail report seconds (30)", /* description: "30", */ defaultValue: 30
def installed() {
state.display = 1
reset() // The order here is important
configure() // Since reports can start coming in even before we finish configure()
def updated() { "Updated"
def parse(String description) {
// log.debug "Parse received ${description}"
def result = null
def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x31: 1, 0x32: 1, 0x60: 3])
if (cmd) {
result = createEvent(zwaveEvent(cmd))
if (result) {
log.debug "Parse returned ${result?.descriptionText}"
return result
} else {
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.meterv1.MeterReport cmd) {
def dispValue
def newValue
def formattedValue
def MAX_AMPS = 220
def MAX_WATTS = 24000
def timeString = new Date().format("h:mm a", location.timeZone)
if (cmd.meterType == 33) {
if (cmd.scale == 0) {
newValue = Math.round(cmd.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if (newValue != state.energyValue) {
dispValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
state.energyValue = newValue
BigDecimal costDecimal = newValue * ( kWhCost as BigDecimal )
def costDisplay = String.format("%5.2f",costDecimal)
state.costDisp = "Cost\n\$"+costDisplay
[name: "energy", value: newValue, unit: "kWh", descriptionText: "Total Energy: ${formattedValue} kWh"]
else if (cmd.scale == 1) {
newValue = Math.round( cmd.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if (newValue != state.energyValue) {
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nkVAh"
state.energyValue = newValue
[name: "energy", value: newValue, unit: "kVAh", descriptionText: "Total Energy: ${formattedValue} kVAh"]
else if (cmd.scale==2) {
newValue = Math.round(cmd.scaledMeterValue) // really not worth the hassle to show decimals for Watts
if (newValue > MAX_WATTS) { return } // Ignore ridiculous values (a 200Amp supply @ 120volts is roughly 24000 watts)
if (newValue != state.powerValue) {
dispValue = newValue
state.powerValue = newValue
[name: "power", value: newValue, unit: "W", descriptionText: "Total Power: ${newValue} Watts"]
else if (cmd.meterType == 161) {
if (cmd.scale == 0) {
newValue = Math.round( cmd.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if (newValue != state.voltsValue) {
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nVolts"
if (newValue < state.voltsLow) {
dispValue = formattedValue+"\n"+timeString
state.voltsLow = newValue
state.voltsLowDisp = dispValue
if (newValue > state.voltsHigh) {
dispValue = formattedValue+"\n"+timeString
state.voltsHigh = newValue
state.voltsHighDisp = dispValue
state.voltsValue = newValue
sendEvent( name: "voltage", value: newValue, unit: "V", descriptionText: "Total Voltage: ${formattedValue} Volts")
[name: "volts", value: newValue, unit: "V", descriptionText: "Total Volts: ${formattedValue} Volts"]
else if (cmd.scale==1) {
newValue = Math.round( cmd.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if ( newValue > MAX_AMPS) { return } // Ignore silly values for 200Amp service
if (newValue != state.ampsValue) {
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nAmps"
if (newValue < state.ampsLow) {
dispValue = formattedValue+"\n"+timeString
state.ampsLow = newValue
state.ampsLowDisp = dispValue
if (newValue > state.ampsHigh) {
dispValue = formattedValue+"\n"+timeString
state.ampsHigh = newValue
state.ampsHighDisp = dispValue
state.ampsValue = newValue
[name: "amps", value: newValue, unit: "A", descriptionText: "Total Current: ${formattedValue} Amps"]
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
def dispValue
def newValue
def formattedValue
def MAX_AMPS = 220
def MAX_WATTS = 24000
if (cmd.commandClass == 50) {
def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x30: 1, 0x31: 1]) // can specify command class versions here like in zwave.parse
if (encapsulatedCommand) {
if (cmd.sourceEndPoint == 1) {
if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 2 ) {
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue)
if (newValue > MAX_WATTS ) { return }
formattedValue = newValue as String
dispValue = newValue as String
if (dispValue != state.powerL1Disp) {
state.powerL1Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 0 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nkWh"
if (dispValue != state.energyL1Disp) {
state.energyL1Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 1 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nkVAh"
if (dispValue != state.energyL1Disp) {
state.energyL1Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 5 ) {
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if (newValue > MAX_AMPS) { return }
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nAmps"
if (dispValue != state.ampsL1Disp) {
state.ampsL1Disp = dispValuee {
else if (cmd.sourceEndPoint == 2) {
if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 2 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue)
if (newValue > MAX_WATTS ) { return }
formattedValue = newValue as String
dispValue = newValue as String
if (dispValue != state.powerL2Disp) {
state.powerL2Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 0 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nkWh"
if (dispValue != state.energyL2Disp) {
state.energyL2Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 1 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nkVAh"
if (dispValue != state.energyL2Disp) {
state.energyL2Disp = dispValue
else if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 5 ){
newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
if (newValue > MAX_AMPS) { return }
formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
dispValue = "${formattedValue}\nAmps"
if (dispValue != state.ampsL2Disp) {
state.ampsL2Disp = dispValue
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) {
def map = [:] = "battery"
map.unit = "%"
if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) {
map.value = 1
map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} battery is low"
map.isStateChange = true
else {
map.value = cmd.batteryLevel
log.debug map
return map
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
// Handles all Z-Wave commands we aren't interested in
log.debug "Unhandled event ${cmd}"
def refresh() { // Request HEMv2 to send us the latest values for the 4 we are tracking
log.debug "refresh()"
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 0).format(), // Change 0 to 1 if international version
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 4).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 5).format()
def poll() {
log.debug "poll()"
def toggleDisplay() {
log.debug "toggleDisplay()"
if (state.display == 1) {
state.display = 2
else {
state.display = 1
def resetDisplay() {
log.debug "resetDisplay() - energyL1Disp: ${state.energyL1Disp}"
def reset() {
log.debug "reset()"
state.energyValue = -1
state.powerValue = -1
state.ampsValue = -1
state.voltsValue = -1
state.powerHigh = 0
state.powerHighDisp = ""
state.powerLow = 99999
state.powerLowDisp = ""
state.ampsHigh = 0
state.ampsHighDisp = ""
state.ampsLow = 999
state.ampsLowDisp = ""
state.voltsHigh = 0
state.voltsHighDisp = ""
state.voltsLow = 999
state.voltsLowDisp = ""
state.energyL1Disp = ""
state.energyL2Disp = ""
state.powerL1Disp = ""
state.powerL2Disp = ""
state.ampsL1Disp = ""
state.ampsL2Disp = ""
state.voltsL1Disp = ""
state.voltsL2Disp = ""
if (!state.display) { state.display = 1 } // Sometimes it appears that installed() isn't called
def dateString = new Date().format("M/d/YY", location.timeZone)
def timeString = new Date().format("h:mm a", location.timeZone)
state.lastResetTime = "Since\n"+dateString+"\n"+timeString
state.costDisp = "Cost\n--"
// No V1 available
def cmd = delayBetween( [
zwave.meterV2.meterReset().format(), // Reset all values
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 0).format(), // Request the values we are interested in (0-->1 for kVAh)
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 4).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 5).format()
], 1000)
def configure() {
log.debug "configure()"
Long kDelay = settings.kWhDelay as Long
Long dDelay = settings.detailDelay as Long
if (kDelay == null) { // Shouldn't have to do this, but there seem to be initialization errors
kDelay = 15
if (dDelay == null) {
dDelay = 15
def cmd = delayBetween([
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 3, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format(), // Disable (=0) selective reporting
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 100, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format(), // reset to defaults
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 101, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 2).format(), // combined power in watts
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 111, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 10).format(), // every 10 sec
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 102, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 1).format(), // combined energy in kWh
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 112, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 300).format(), // every 5 min
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 103, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format(), // no third report
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 113, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 300).format() // every 5 min
], 2000)
def disableReporting()
def cmd = delayBetween([
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 101, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format(), // no first report
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 102, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format(), // no second report
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 103, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 0).format() // no third report
], 2000)