Sunrise / Sunset Bug in

I think there are still some latent DST change bugs in the hub. We got most of them resolved, but evidently not all.

DST is a pain in the butt. I've had issues when I first started with WeMo devices and their rules. Then with ST and initially with HE but I must admit, not so much now.
I've taken the view that things may go off kilter for one day but resolve themselves the next day. (Usually). :wink:
Not ideal but I think we have more pressing issues going on at the moment. :mask:

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Unfortunately there will always be pressing issues :grinning:

I noticed that no other Australian users reported the same issue so probably as @672southmain said it may have been to do with my older firmware. I've updated my hub in the interim and will report back in 6 months if it persists!

Won’t be same firmware by then, so the test will be inconclusive.

Fair point.

But if it's sorted relative to 2.2.5 that's all that matters right? :smiley:

Well, with each release, you get all the latest bugs, and some resurface after hibernating. Life on the bleeding edge.

Also more fair points. In any case it will be 6 months before I can check on this again lol.

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We have the same problem. We did catch and fix many DST time change bugs this time around. It's hard to believe how tricky this ends up being, as we seemingly have not caught them all.


@rocketwiz I am from Perth :wink:

I had issues yesterday while using 'Start at this time and end at Sunrise' - The lights turned on outside the scheduled time using Simple Automation Rule ( I am running the latest firmware) - Unlike the eastern states, we don't do DST here on Western Australia.

The time for sunset and sunrise under 'Location' are completely off so perhaps this explains it.

My geofence reports as 'out of geofence' even though I input my full address - I manually sent a 'Geo Event' but it didn't even register despite the fact I'd turned on Debugging.

The time on the logs are correct though: