Suddenly every device generates excessive hub load

I’m running a C8, stable for about a year, multiple Zigbee Inovelli Blue light switches and Z-wave generic blinds with a handful of other small things. I haven’t added anything recently, and have never had the “excessive load errors” previously. No Z wave ghosts- all cleared previously.

I noticed yesterday the smart switch responses getting sluggish, and not working at all today. When I checked the logs I’m getting multiple excessive load warnings from every single zigbee and z-wave device I select (picked enough to see the pattern). I assume this is a result of something overloading the hub to the point of being overwhelmed by any request at all. A reboot seems to have everything working again and watching the live logs for a while shows pretty quiet activity.

Is this something I should look into, or only if it becomes a pattern? I’ve seen lots of posts about checking individual devices for over polling and power reporting (my switches have power reporting turned off), but I couldn’t find mention of this behaviour. Anything else I should check as a possible culprit?


What firmware version?

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It doesn't take a big thing to take out a Z-Wave mesh. :slight_smile:

I'm thinking maybe you should do the controlled shutdown/power cycle thing as well. I'm no expert though.

How long was hub running since last reboot?

Some process probably got all bound up and the hub could not recover.

I have someone who had this happen last week, hub had been up for 80 days without reboot.

I rebooted, updated and then set up a weekly reboot to hopefully prevent it going forward.

I personally think it is an issue that you will only encounter after a long uptime. I would not worry about it unless it happens a second time shortly after the first.


Going to document my findings here. This is a hub I worked on for someone.

Running, very long uptime.

Then found this in the logs:

@gopher.ny @bobbyD why do we have all these log entries but yet there is no alert generated on the hub that there is a problem? I checked the alerts and all it had was an update alert. I have seen at least one other person (other than @DocNaes) have this same issue recently on the forums.

As much as I hate having to do it, I setup weekly reboots for this person to avoid this going forward...

Now, I finally got into the Grafana cloud I setup for this hub.

There does not appear to be any excessive load up until the hub stopped processing events and reporting things up to influx. Unfortunately I did not think to check the actual endpoint for the CPU stats before I rebooted, so what happened between 1/2 and 1/10 is lost.

1/2/25 is when everything stopped working correctly.


That log list looks vary similar to what I found on my hub.
Not home to check the firmware version, but it was up to date about 1.5 months ago.

I may try to auto reboot thing every week or two. I mean it probably won't hurt. I have a home assistant that tends to go offline without a reboot more often than the HE anyway.

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I've seen this issue on 2 hubs running 2.3.9 firmware. I came to the same conclusion as you did: it happens after a very long uptime, and I set up weekly reboots.


I had this exact same issue, and power cycling the hubitat fixed it.

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