Strategy questions for HomeKit, Lutron, C-7 vs. C-8

Hi all and thank you for this community!

I currently have a C-7 and use Alexa as my voice assistant. Additionally, I have the non-pro version of a Lutron bridge.

I’m simply done with Alexa. I’m planning a full migration to HomeKit now that the HomeKit integration has been released.

I’m also planning to upgrade to a C-8 soon. Of note, I don’t really utilize much in the way of automation, I certainly might someday, especially given HomePods’ advanced presence detection over Alexa devices, but for now my main goal is using voice and routines to control my mostly Zwave/Zigbee switches, lights, locks, etc.

My primary question is: Should I wait until I get the C-8 before doing any HomeKit integration?

Secondarily, will holding off upgrading my Lutron bridge to a pro version create any advantages or disadvantages?

In sum, should I start integrating HomeKit with my C-7 now and get a device or two working as a test or is there an advantage to starting clean with the C-8? And what are the pros/cons with an end goal setup where everything except my Lutron devices go through my Hubitat to HomeKit while the Lutron devices connect natively with HomeKit?

The two considerations that come to mind are:

  1. Migrating from the C-7 to the C-8 vs. setting up the new C-8 from scratch? How hard is the migration?
  2. If I get the Lutron pro bridge first and connect those devices into the Hubitat, a migration would bring everything and I wouldn’t need to have Lutron go directly to HomeKit, but either way, I will have to redo my Lutron devices, so why spend the extra money until I need the pro for automating, which may never happen.

Sorry this was so long!

Bonus question: If I don’t have a need for Matter right now, is there any reason to even get the C-8?

If you C7 works for you, there is no real need to upgrade at this time. The HomeKit integration works fine on the C7 and you should be able to migrate into Apple Home without any problems. I'd say test it before worrying about other stuff.

As for your considerations, I'll let others chime in about the migration since I do not have any experience. I started with the C8 and obviously from scratch. As for the Lutron question, you will have local control via Apple Home with a connection into HomeKit through the normal hub. The Pro version and connection into Hubitat allows for greater automation than Apple Home provides and the ability to use Picos not attached to any switches as button controllers. If these things do not interest you right now, then there is no need to upgrade the Lutron Hub until you are ready.

Matter is in Beta testing for the C7 hub right now. This is definitely not something to worry about.

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There's one potentially significant reason to integrate Lutron dimmers to HomeKit via Hubitat. Lutron's direct HomeKit integration has a significant limitation. The Apple Home 'on' action always turns the lights to 100%. Hubitat's Lutron drivers allow you to set the 'on' to a fixed or previous level and that setting is used by Apple Home.


I had forgotten about using picos that way. Isn’t that what other companies call a “scene controller” or whatever where I can set a random button to turn on/off some other random switch/bulb/etc.

I am planning to do that as I have extra picos… but I was planning to use them to control other non-Lutron switches. What you’re saying is that I can’t use them to control my Lutron devices because Hubitat can’t control Lutron without the pro bridge.

Honestly, it sounds like I might have gotten a bit of upgrade fever :sweat_smile:

If the HomeKit integration works just fine with the C7 as it would with the C8, then maybe I don’t upgrade either it nor the Lutron hub now and just focus on replacing Alexa with Siri.

Thank you!

You cannot expose the spare Picos to HomeKit using the direct integration from Lutron. This is true regardless of type of Lutron Hub you have. However, if you get the Lutron Pro Hub and integrate into Hubitat, then you can use the spare Picos to control other things including but not limited to switches from other brands.

The Pro Hub integrated into Hubitat opens up significantly more automation possibilities, but this upgrade is really up to you. If you are not immediately looking to use the spare Picos, then just focusing on the transition to Siri and HomeKit with your current C7 will be fine.

Can’t I use the picos as a button for other devices controlled by the HE? What I mean is take the Lutron hub and any Lutron devices out of the equation; can’t anyone just buy a pico, connect it as a button/controller within HE, and use it to control another HE connected device?

No. Lutron and its Picos do not work that way. You have to have the Lutron Pro Hub if you want to use spare Picos in Hubitat. There is no way to connect a Pico directly to Hubitat as Picos use Clear Connect for communication. This goes to the Lutron Pro Hub. Then via Telnet, the message gets passed to Hubitat, which triggers something.

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Thank you for that. It helps make my decision much clearer. I think I should focus on getting a Lutron pro first and stay on my C7 for now.

Thanks again!