Stelpro Allia (SAT402ZB) thermostat driver?

Has anyone started working on drivers for Stelpro Allia thermostats (product code SAT402ZB) ?

No, the Maestro drivers do not work, nor the Ki drivers.

Stelpro told me they are not supported in Smartthings or Hubitat.

I looked at the existing Maestro drivers, and I am at a loss on how to modify it to get them working with those new thermostats.

If it helps, they are supported in HomeAssistant through Zigbee2MQTT, but I don't know what to make of this code...

Anyone has a clue as to what this means ?

Desc Map: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 CF57 00 00 0000 00 00 C300, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:CF57, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[C3, 00]]

It would appear that this device has two fingerprints. Could that be the source of issues ?

When I connect that device to the hub, this is the pairing info that I get:

Manufacturer:	Stello
Endpoint 19 application:	21
Endpoint 19 endpointId:	19
Endpoint 19 idAsInt:	25
Endpoint 19 inClusters:	0000,0003,0004,0201,0204
Endpoint 19 initialized:	true
Endpoint 19 manufacturer:	Stello
Endpoint 19 model:	HT402
Endpoint 19 outClusters:	0003,000A,0402
Endpoint 19 profileId:	0104
Endpoint 19 stage:	4

Endpoint F2 application:	unknown
Endpoint F2 endpointId:	F2
Endpoint F2 idAsInt:	242
Endpoint F2 initialized:	true
Endpoint F2 manufacturer:	unknown
Endpoint F2 model:	unknown
Endpoint F2 outClusters:	0021
Endpoint F2 profileId:	A1E0
Endpoint F2 stage:	4

And it seems that the hub "records" the second one, not the first one (which seems more complete)

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