
I have a hard wire and can see the Hubitat with my laptop. Using chrome. If I try to connect the hub it directs me to MSN web browser. I think it should to the hub setup right. Or am I missing something? I have rebooted way tomanny times to count. I have an asus router and pretty sour is set up to allow the MAC and IP to come thru.

Are you really using MSN Explorer (the web browser), or do you just mean that your browser directs you to an MSN webpage? If the former, I'd suggest an officially supported browser, like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, or modern Edge first.

Some browsers will direct you to search if they can't find the domain or IP address you're looking for. That might be what's happening for you. I'd suggest using to try to discover your hub on your network, then use the "Connect to Hub" button there to navigate to its page by IP address. This may change from time to time unless you make a "DHCP reservation" (or whatever your software calls this) in your router, though it's not technically required--you just might have to use this page from time to time to find your hub.

I don't know what this means (is there a typo?), but if you have an unusual network setup that might be blocking some devices, you'll probably want to try it without that to rule out misconfiguration (misconfigured overengineered home networks are probably the #1 cause of "problems" connecting to the hub).

Otherwise there isn't anything special you should really need to do with the default configuration of most consumer gear to allow the hub to connect.

Typo. I have an Asus router. And pretty sure it set up properly.
I tried to go to the Http Recommended. And unable to find the hub. The laptop and hub are both hardwired to the router. It shows it searching for the hub and even in advance discovery unable to locate. The hub light is Is solid green.

Okay let's keep this basic. What's going on is this a warranty issue. Very frustrated.

Likely not a warranty issue. First off, did you initially set a static ip on your hub?

I would like to verify that

Well that's something only you can verify. Did you set a static ip on the hub?

I don't know what that means

Are you referring to binding it in the router

Ok lets start here. With a toothpick or paperclip press the network reset button on the bottom of the hub for 7 seconds. (It will be the only round hole out of all the square holes). Once the hub comes back up and the light turns green, from a web browser on your pc go to or hubitat.local and see if you can see the hub,

That's what i've been doing with no success. Sorry for my frustration level. I just performed that again a few minutes ago.

Unable to find the hub it should pop up correct.

Then when I open findmyhub It will not appear.

So then I try to go to advanced discovery and type in the mac address from the back of the pub. It still will not popup.

Hook it up with an Ethernet cable to your home router and try finding the hub on your home network again. Your laptop needs to also be connected to the same network. This is by far the easiest way to get things up and running.

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That's how I have set up. Both the laptop and the hub are hardwired.

To each other? Or to your home network?

Why does your screenshot show your computer connected directly to the Hubitat hub via WiFi?

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you're showing wifi access in your screen shot. Don't use wifi. When you go into your router are you showing an ip issued to the hub? (you can match it agaist the mac address on the bottom of the hub)

The hub is plugged straight to the router. And the laptop as well straight to the router.

look in your router's DHCP table and see if the hub has an ip.