October 7, 2019, 12:43pm
I've shared a few apps to this community. My Occupancy Governor, in particular, is not ready for the public and I'm without the capacity to support it currently. When a dev releases an app here, it takes quite a lot of time to support initially.
These are the most popular.
TTS Governor 1.0
Driven by the need to throttle TTS due to Amazon's limitations of only three requests at a time, I decided to take a crack at 'governing' text to speech output from a fresh perspective. The governor uses restrictions you define, so that playback occurs only when and where you need it.
Install the driver code, the app code, and the child app code.
Install the application and then create individual governors for each output device.
This application is no longer maintained or supported, use at you're own risk
Presence Governor v1.2
Have you found GPS on your phone to be flaky? Have more than one type of presence sensor per individual? Presence Governor was created to combine several types of presence detection methods into a single proxy presence device. Fobs, WiFi, Geofencing and Lock Codes each with a unique logic in how the presence of the detection process triggers the proxy presence.…
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