Source of Virtual Button Press

Is it possible to extract the source of a virtual button press?

i.e. if button1 is on dasboardX, dashboardY, and its own device page, how do I know what the source of the press of button1 is?

Look at the device detail page for the button device, go to "Events," look for entries of type "command" (there are really not events) in the table, and it will tell you what app sent the command.

Apologies, I didn’t ask the question correctly. I should have asked,

Is it possible to programmatically extract the source of a virtual button press using Rule Machine.

That is not possible.

dashboards just offer a dashboard to see the devices, so controlling it through the dashboard is no different than controlling it from the devices tab.

the only way i could think of managing this is to use virtual switches on the dashboards, then link that to the actual switch. you could then use rules/logs to determine which dashboard was triggered based on virtual_switch_dashboard1 vs virtual_switch_dashboard2. headache comes along when you have to create a new virtual switch for each dashboard created, and update rules accordingly