Expose Device Events to Rule Machine

Per, Source of Virtual Button Press

Please exposed device events, like source of button press, to Rule Machine.

What is the goal? Presumably, you want to do different things based on commands from different apps, and in that case, one solution is to use different devices or different events in the different apps (since your device is virtual, everything is, by definition, from the hub and entirely within your control). Then you would write your rule (or other app) to look for those events instead of the same for every one.

This request would be difficult to add considering that, in general, apps are not visible to other apps in this way and there is no clear way to reference one app from another in the same way that an app can reference a device, for example.


I would like to use a single virtual button (Toggle Garage Door) and take different actions based on which dashboard was the source of the button press.

I expose a dashboard button to employees to control a garage door, but only when they are present.

I would like to use the same button and allow my wife to control the garage door without the presence restriction.

Like @bertabcd1234 explained, the simplest way to do this would be separate buttons. That said, it can be the same virtual button device in HE, you could simply configure different button numbers for the different sources. The display on the dashboards could look to the users to be exactly the same, but the dashboard tiles or automation apps reference different button numbers for the same device. Your automations that respond to the button presses would then perform different actions depending on the button number used.

