a. Hub Attributes. In the other platform, there are various hub attributes that can be captured at runtime. Trying to capture these in Hubitat creates a "No such property" error.
1. hub.localIP
2. hub.localSrvPortTCP
Check out this post and please add to it as you figure out differences between ST and Hubitat. Since it is a WiKi, you can simply edit the first post with update.
I thought I'd jot down a few of the driver porting changes I've encountered. Please add additional ones you find to this list.
Replace physicalgraph with hubitat
Replace variables beginning with data with
Add to params calls that give a java error the following before headers:
requestContentType: "application/json",
Replace pause(int) with pauseExecution(long) (units are milliseconds)
include ‘asynchttp_v1’ is not supported - comment this out and replace affected code with syn…
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