Looks like the fingerprint/clusters have changed. FC57 and 0019
C5 v.

Just added a new SONOFF 01MINIZB and while it didn't automatically pick the Generic Zigbee Switch driver, once that driver was manually selected it appears to work normally.



I just wasn't being patient enough, initially selected the generic zigbee switch, got no status feedback - On/Off etc, however, have gone back a few hours later and it's now working.

Maybe just a busy hub or a little too far from the hub (although I do have a decent mesh working in the area).

I'll try again today/tomorrow next to the hub,

Ok looks like I had two issues.

1: The device fingerprint is different on this model of the ZBMINI, this can be overcome by selecting the 'Generic Zigbee Switch' post Zigbee/Device discovery.

2: Distance from hub. I moved one of the ZBMINI's closer to the hub (about 5m) and it worked straight away after pairing.

I guess I better go away and look at my mesh/Zigbee repeater setup as it's not as solid as I thought, d'oh!

Is it possible to support the other modes that this switch can do? According to some documentation, it looks like it should be able to support different switch modes such as a momentary switch.

What are new trigger modes for MINI's external switch?- Pulse Mode - SONOFF Official

MINI is WiFi, ZBMINI is a different device.

Oh, I see. The ZBMINI may not support those modes. I ordered a Sonoff hub and I’ll try it. It’ll take a while to get it though.


Im new here xD I added a Sonoff smart switch to my hubitat hub. But it doesnt work. When l add the switch it has a ''device'' driver and when l change it to ''Generic Ziggbee Switch'' it doesnt work. Can someone help me please.

Thanks in advance

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0020,FC57,FCA0", outClusters:"0019", model:"ZBMINI-L", manufacturer:"SONOFF"

dev:402022-08-03 20:17:25.795 traceZCL version:03

dev:402022-08-03 20:17:25.790 traceSoftware Build Id:1.0.5

dev:402022-08-03 20:17:25.789 traceModel:ZBMINI-L

dev:402022-08-03 20:17:25.787 traceManufacturer:SONOFF

There can sometimes be an issue with the more inexpensive ZigBee devices during the provisioning phase while adding to your hub.
I've taken to doing a double pairing with these devices, it seems to help with them working as expected.

  1. Follow the normal ZigBee pairing process.
  2. Reset the device (do not exclude it from the hub) perform the Start Zigbee pairing process again and the hub will recognize your device and any outstanding configuration should complete.

It can help to perform the initial pairing close to the hub.

For more info about your device have a look at this thread:

Thanks will do :smiley: