[SOLVED] Video tuturials not working?

Is it just me or do some of these not load, eg the Amazon Echo video.....

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Getting the same here for a lot.
Showingthey're Private, as you also see. :expressionless:

Sorry for the confusion, the Amazon Echo video is not ready yet, but will be available soon.

Similar issue with the HSM video. Went there to see what I was doing wrong. :slight_smile:

It's the videos on there which don't work, try 'shutting down safely'


We have confirmed that the following videos are not currently available:

  • Mode Manger Overview
  • Connecting Your Amazon Echo
  • Shutting Down Safely
  • Hubitat Safety Monitor

We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused. We will update the website, shortly.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


FYI ...