[Solved] Mode Manager Causing HSM Not to Work or Vice Versa

So I loaded HSM last night to try again based on the fixes I saw taking place. This AM the Mode Manager did not change to Day at 6AM based on what it is set to. That was the first time it has not. So when someone went out one of the doors after 6AM it tripped the night mode alerts.
Is there still something going on between the Mode Manager and HSM that is not connecting? Is HSM stopping Mode Manager from changing correctly?
Also I am seeing this error in the logs which occurred right after the night mode alert was tripped.

2019-04-02 07:06:49.231 am errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '100' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.lang.Number' on line 81 (setLevel)

There is more: I saw this entry in the log and it says it closed the water valve (of course it is still open).
You have to create a rule to close the valve via the HSM alert! But why is it sending the alert at all?

2019-04-02 07:06:50.366 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert intrusion-night

There are several elements to this. Take them one at a time:

Why didn't Mode Manager change the mode to Day at 6 AM? Show your Mode Manager setup. Look at app events for Mode Manager (gear icon to app status, Events). Look at the Scheduled Jobs for Mode Manager on its app status page (gear icon). Make sure all of those look right. Was it scheduled for 6, did it run at 6? Etc.

HSM would not stop Mode Manager from running.

When someone went out after 6 and it was still night mode (erroneously), that tripped a night intrusion event. Could you show a screen shot with that log error, so we can see where the error came from (app1234 or dev5678 on left column of logs). And see which app or device threw the error. This error is independent of the other things going on, and we can track it down, fix the cause.

What app made the log entry about closing the valve? Do you have a rule that closes the valve?

It sent an alert because it tripped a night intrusion alert, because HSM saw the mode as Night. That's just from the missed mode change in Mode Manager.

There are two issues: Why didn't the mode change? What device threw the GroovyCastException error?

I noticed the time that was set for Day mode read 06:00 AM and Evening just has 6:00 PM. I reset Day mode and now it reads 6:00 AM. Any chance that was it?

The LIFX bulbs threw the errors. dev:824, dev:825 are LIFX older white adj 800 bulbs. They are controlled by the LIFX Master App.

dev:8252019-04-02 07:06:49.292 am errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '100' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.lang.Number' on line 81 (setLevel)

dev:8242019-04-02 07:06:49.231 am errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '100' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.lang.Number' on line 81 (setLevel)

app:13042019-04-02 07:06:48.706 am warnAlert Intrusion-Night Lndry Door Sensor open

The log shows it went into Armed Night at 11:00 PM but at 6:00 AM it does not show going back to Day Mode.

app:6222019-04-02 07:19:52.546 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert cancel

app:6222019-04-02 07:19:11.206 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert intrusion-night

app:6222019-04-02 07:18:55.980 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert intrusion-night

app:6222019-04-02 07:08:01.935 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert cancel

app:6222019-04-02 07:06:50.366 am infoBasement Water Valve Closed by HSM: cabhome hsmAlert intrusion-night

app:6222019-04-01 10:53:15.401 pm infoAway Mode - Water Valve Closed by HSM: Resumed

app:6222019-04-01 10:49:44.382 pm infoAway Mode - Water Leak Detected: Paused

Those last 2 entries about Away Mode - Water Leak Detected was paused last night and deleted last night. Not sure what the heck is the second one from the bottom or it's meaning.

OK, so can't tell you about the LiFX app and why it's throwing errors. I can't tell about the mode change issue without the information I suggested above.

What is app 622? It's a rule of some sort, and something is pausing it and resuming it, presumably another rule. Seems as though this is all from how you have your rules setup, except for the missing mode change and LiFX issue. Would be happy to investigate the missing mode change with the right information (see prior post).

Is this what you were asking for? I forgot that one. Sorry.

He wants that :point_up_2: stuff

Thanks, I think this is right now.

I need to see the app events for Mode Manager. On that page you just showed, at the top, click the Events button.

You can tell I haven't had to do this before. Some days are better than others!

You can see from that that Mode Manager set the mode to Day at 6:00 AM, and has done so every day.

So, what makes you think it didn't do that?

You can also look at Location Events (System Events on left menu bar). That will show the mode changes that have happened.

When we went through the laundry door it set off the HSM Alert Nights. This was at 7:06 AM and the Day Mode is supposed to start at 6:00 AM. Never switched to Day Mode. Apps page showed Mode Manager was still in Night Mode. I had to manually disarm it. I know you have probably heard this before but before I loaded HSM last night Mode Manager never missed a beat, it was always correct.

Interesting timing on this post - I had an issue last night (and I don't use Mode Manager), but Mode did not change to Sleep last night when it should have. I have RM arming HSM when a virtual switch is turned off. I have a separate RM that sets mode to Sleep if that same virtual switch turns off and someone is present (or we'd be in Away mode). That RM rule failed to fire last night.

But it did switch to Day mode. That is clearly shown in your Location Events. So there is some other reason why HSM fired a night intrusion alert. You should show your HSM setup.

Mode Manager is officially off the hook. It did exactly what it was supposed to. This is some other issue.

Look at the app events for this rule. Gear icon, then top of page Events button. It will show you what the rule did or didn't do.

The switch shows off/on as it should:

But the RM did not react last night:

Missed event at 9:27pm last night - The House turned off, but Mode never changed to Sleep.

Rule is straight forward:

Agreed it did switch to Day mode. It just didn't get that info to HSM it looks like. Do you want HSM broke down or just the last page before you close the setup.

Whatever part of it you think isn't working right.

Would this do it or will that disarm Away as well?

So if you just added that, there was nothing to make it disarm when mode changed to Day. So what happened is just what you'd expect to happen. Right?

Yes, there was nothing to take it out of Armed Night. Will this also disarm Away?