Sold on Ebay - cannot remove my email from app/portal

I sold my Hubitat on ebay. I did a full reset but it is registered still to my email.

I cannot login to the app because I can't remember the password nor is there a 'forgot password' button in the app…

I went to Hubitat Portal to reset my password but I am not receiving any email with the code.

I'm out of options... Please help.

You want (I'm surprised the "portal" page is even still there, but it's possible it just doesn't work). There is a "Forgot Password" button there that should work. If not, try the usual steps of checking your spam/junk folders.

On a related note, I'm not sure what you did for a "full reset" since there is nothing like that in the current UI, but the steps you should have taken are documented here:

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Did your email have any uppercase characters in it, or was the account migrated from a social media account? I know there have been some issues with that before.

Here is deregister instructions: Remove Hub's Registration from

But if you cannot get your password that wont do any good. Might need @bobbyD (staff) to check your account out.


Got it sorted out. The confirmation email went to SPAM and once I logged in, I was able to deregister.

THANK YALL FOR THE HELP!! I much appreciate it


How come you're leaving hubitat? Just curious.