SMS vs. Push Notifications

The topic is SMS Text messages, and about an alternative to Twilio.

I look at the features of notification 'text' messages like this:

  1. works to send when the Internet to my house (hub) is down
  2. works to receive when my phone has no Internet data (only a mobile connection)

SMS text messages work in the second case.

But so far all of these solutions fail the first case.

In my life, I am out of mobile data range so infrequently that #2 isn't a problem for me.

@magasser , the original poster, mentioned Twilio and text messages in the original post. Everyone who mentioned Pushover, which I think is great, while it still works, should have their irrelevant posts deleted. I know I've had mine deleted when deviating slightly from the original topic.

Just to clarify, that's an issue with your email provider, not the Sendmail integration or Hubitat itself. :slightly_smiling_face:


It didnt need ckarifying if you read the thread.

You use Google, right? It works perfectly for you, right? Well, excellent.

Assuming everybody reads the thread carefully and keeps track of context all the way through is like assuming I remember everything my wife tells me. Just not gonna happen. :wink:

I use both Sendmail and Google (belt and suspenders approach). Both are working.


Sendmail stopped working for me because of providers.
It just wouldn't go through ATT and Charter, my internet provider.
The "they" mentioned above.
My email is a shared domain (yahoo).
I have no other domain I could use to sign up for anything else.
I tried like heck over a long period of time.
What special tricks are you using?

On another note, who changed the friggin title of the thread?

edit: "Debate chamber"?

edit2: Cut my point out and put it "Debate Chamber"
Power hungry "admins", flexing their muscles. I'm impressed.

The only solutions to #1 are:

  • alternative (multiple) internet providers, ideally with disparate physical cable routing into your home and redundant power within your home. Really, that's getting into the realm of datacenter operations.
  • a cellular device to send the outbound text (which also satisfies condition #2). That could be as "simple" as:
    a cell phone connected via USB or within bluetooth range of a battery-backed computer within your home + software on the computer to send a text via the phone (KDE Connect would work + a trigger to tell the PC to send the text -- this could be a rule on the hubitat that connects to the PC via telnet (insecure, but acceptable within your LAN) or some other network method.

I'm not sure I'd call either of those solutions "good/easy" as the original post requested...but they will work, with effort. The first choice will be much more difficult and expensive to set up, but once up will likely be more stable (if you're comfortable with 'enterprise' IT methods)...the second choice is much more of a hack, and relies on more components that aren't designed for high-availability or fail-over.

Hey, how about ignoring this post too?

Original poster was not confused.
Twilio pulled the plug on non corporate users.
He's looking for an alternative SMS method.
Carriers pulling the plug on ordinary users as well, this from personal experience with SendMail.
Whoever posts on this thread should have a hands on approach on getting something to work.
Not just spout platitudes.
edit: And when I say "this thread", it should have been "the thread formerly known as this thread".

Ignore that.

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It looks like the OP of the original post wanted SMS as it gets his/her attention. So it's not an issue with not having internet access on his/her phone or home. More like changing his/her personal preference to accommodate what tech is easily available. Not hard in reality, if you only use notifications from a particular service (which shall remain un-named) for important items it should get your attention as well as an SMS.

While I have no specific suggestions to sending texts, I see home assistant has integrations for interfacing with cellular modems which "may" be a possible solution albeit clunky if you don't already use HA. (but easier than using a PC and a spare phone!)

PS the topic is "SMS vs Push Notifications" so perhaps edit that if this is not the case? Otherwise it seems to be fair game.


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