Smartwings Roller Shade built-in Zigbee Shade Driver Feedback

Feedback ... I don't know if there is an issue or whether I have misinterpreted how to use the SmartWings Zigbee Shade driver, or something else related to Hubitat, however I thought that I would report my findings.

Note that my system is working now with a different driver.

But ... I just installed a SmartWings Roller blind and engaged the built-in SmartWings Zigbee Shade driver. The problem may be that I am using a roller blind and not a shade. I found the following problems:
(i) Operation of the blinds directly from the Hubitat device page didn't work. Pushing Open/wait/Close/wait/Open occasionally opened the blinds
(ii) Rule machine instructions generally did not execute (basically intermittent, 1 in 10 tries worked)
(iii) Operation of open/close was in reverse of what the blind needed (I don't know how to change/configure that in the driver) ... I may/probably have a reverse drive motor.

Solution: I installed the SmartWings Zigbee Shades by Greg Billings, Motor type WM25/L-Z, using Hubitat HPM to install SmartWings Motor Shades and the blinds are operating well from the device page and RM.