SmartThings now permanently offline

Well, I could no longer justify the power use. Nothing was attached to, or activated by SmartThings anymore. I don't regret the journey, as it led me here. I would have found Hubitat eventually I'm sure, but it might have taken much longer, or I might not have appreciated its potential had I not experienced first hand what SmartThings could do,

So today I'm pouring one out for the hub that couldn't stay online, and raising a glass for the hub that doesn't need to be.


Morbid curiosity keeps one device with a custom handler on ST. I could move it over now but I want to see how chaotic things will be in the near future.


I am getting close …

After this coming weekend I will probably only have Cloud connected services running on ST until I can port them or they are supported by HE

  • Halo/Halo+ Smoke CO2 detectors
  • Arlo Cameras
  • Ring DoorBell (Floods would be amazing too)
  • Harmony Remote(s)

I’d probably also need a Mobile App for WAF

Also I would have to rewrite some custom devices that pull data from external APIs for local needs … that’s a project for another month …


Nice. I was almost at that point, but ran into zigbee sensor limitations.

So, now I use the smartthings hub just for certain sensors until I figure out how I am going to tackle this.

But that is all its doing.

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Excellent. I put mine out to pasture almost a month ago. The last thing I had was the WebCoRE presence and once that moved over, it was time for it to give up the ghost.



Netatmo + Harmony + Nest = RIP ST


@SmartHomePrimer Glad to have you All In.
I unplugged my ST hub a couple of weeks ago and have to say it felt pretty good. I’ll miss the old gal but very once in a while I get that status email about something being down and I remember the good ole times.


The only things left on my ST setup are:

Ring Doorbell
Nest Thermostat and Protects
Unifi Security Cameras

I joined the club. Pulled the plug and removed the batteries from the SmartThings hub. Uninstalled Other Hub Event Pusher and Hub Link from the Hubitat hub. :+1:


Ok so I am down to just using ST for the following:

  • Ring Doorbell (desperately need to find a way to use the Floodlight Cam -- hint hint)
  • Arlo Cameras (I use these outside attached to solar panels for motion around property & automation)
  • Halo / Halo+ Smoke Detectors

@Patrick any chance of getting some love on these? Would a bottle of good Single Malt sweeten the deal LOL

No need for resorting to such extremes :slight_smile:

Camera and video are going to be a bit tricky. What features are you wanting?

Live video feed? In dashboard?
Still photo take() support?
Motion detection aka triggers from device?

As for the halo, aren't they just ZigBee? Have you tried anything yet, like do they pair?

Speaking only for myself, I'd love to be able to have my Ring Doorbell show up simply as a motion sensor device in Hubitat. It is one of my last devices in ST that I have replicated over into Hubitat for outdoor lighting automation.


The Cameras - no need for video - there are apps for that :slight_smile:
Motion is a must - they can trigger automations for lighting, etc

and for the speed and improved WAF the :tumbler_glass: is money well spent :rofl:

Gave it a shot - here is what shows in the zigbee logs

Device2018-05-06 06:43:44.493 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x6, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-50
61502018-05-06 06:41:32.659 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8004, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:29.541 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8004, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:27.530 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:3, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:26.521 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:3, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:26.420 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8004, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:24.089 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x6, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:23.887 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:254, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:23.376 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8004, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45
61502018-05-06 06:41:23.256 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x0, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:23.054 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x0, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.954 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x0, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.949 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-47
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.848 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8004, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-47
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.746 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0xfd00, sourceEndpoint:4, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.744 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8005, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.443 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x6, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46
61502018-05-06 06:41:22.440 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x13, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-51

And what I see in the Device page:

Not sure what driver would work - and IIRC there was no public released DTH - did a double check on the forum and in the community GIT driver repo (SmartThingsPublic/devicetypes/smartthings at master · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub)

This one is over my head as I think a driver will need to be built to manage it/report from it. If there is anything needed from this end to further push this along let me know...

Well it was a fairly crappy day here in North East PA so I got a bunch of stuff worked on...

I now have ~120 devices (including those attached via Lutron Caseta and Hue Bridges) moved over and left on ST are:

  • 4 Arlo Cameras/Motion Detectors
  • 1 Arlo Siren
  • 8 Halos
  • 1 Ring doorbell
  • 2 Ring Floodlight Cams (not integrated - not supported by anyone YET)
  • 2 Schlage Locks that I didnt have the patience to move

While I've posted elsewhere my lack of love for IFTTT, I can move the Arlos off ST and use IFTTT for motion detection until there is a better solution for Hubitat

Halo now seems to have a IFTTT channel - I'll have to remove the devices from ST and use the Halo app via wifi ... they still dont support both simultaneously ... i'll probably pull one over to Halo App and see how it works out

Ring - this one is the PITA - the IFTTT channel ... I can do the same thing I guess ... but still looking for a way to get triggers from the Flood Cam. I did find a couple Node.js apps that could work with a bit of mucking about ... and a python library or two ...

ZWave is rebuilt and repaired ... i'll 'repair' my zigbee mesh once I am the only one home for a while

I guess I need a few more rainy days :wink:


This made me think. What I would really like is for there to be an option on the dashboard to take me to a camera view, where I can see all the camera feeds real-time.

If that can be done via a URL dashboard tile, maybe that would work? I need to see if the camera I have can do that with its web interface.

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Hi there, I'm new to Hubitat and home automation in general. The Hub is in the mail and I'm looking forward to using it. Separately, I am looking to get a camera that I can trigger video recording on/off and have it save the recording locally. The idea is if I receive an alert that a door was opened or motion detected, I can turn on the video camera and capture the scene. Is there a solution that you know of? I was looking at the Arlo and to record continuously, you have to pay a subscription fee? Otherwise, it looks like you can trigger it to record using IFTTT? I would rather not subscribe to a service and have the video sent to the cloud - but if that is the only solution then I'm open to it. Let me know your thoughts, thanks! @JHoke

Check out WyzeCam. Best camera for $20. It has a very decent feature set, and now supports IFTTT as well for some basic automation. It has local storage via an add-in micro SD memory card slot. It also has free 14 day cloud storage of 'events', if you enable that feature.

So, while not 100% of what you're looking for, it is probably the best $20 solution that provides ~80-90% of what you're looking for.

They also just released a new Pan & Tilt version for only $30.

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I wish I could do this, but I have a YL220 lock and the AT app is great that Rboy has written.
Outside of that device, most everything else is ported over.

For me..Arlo and Ring Doorbell.
What I also NEED from the Ring doorbell is the ability that a push doorbell should also be able to switch a light or change a color of a light.
The Arlo must work as motion detector and ability to switch on and off the arlo cameras to allow privacy or certain times inactive cameras.
I just have the Hubitat and I am trying to find how to get the ring doorbell as switch..but the app Send Hub Events does not allow it at all. I am missing a setting?
Thanks for any advice and help!

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I'm sure my fellow Hubitations are getting tired of me responding with "Just use IFTTT!" :rofl:
Honestly I've never been a fan of IFTTT due to the lag many vendors have on the cloud platform. However, the response time with Hubitat has been 8 seconds on average with almost all the integrations I've tried.

Ideally, we want all our integrations to be local, but this is a great gap filler until that's possible. You're not avoiding the cloud with ST and those devices, no matter how you're connected.

You can do what you need for now, with IFTTT and Hubitat. I'm assuming you want that Ring doorbell push to turn on a light with a delay anyway, so that it seems like a person is turning on the light, not a split-second automation. If it's because you need the light for the Ring camera, then perhaps triggering off of motion would work better, becuase it might turn it on in enough time, before the person even has a chance to push the button.

With Arlo, I would think that a slight delay in turning off would also be acceptable. Only thing that might not, would be the response to motion. Give the IFTTT/Hubitat integration a try and see if it's an acceptable workaround until direct local control is available.


Unfortunately, Ring's IFTTT integration is very slow. A Ring motion event can take up to ~60 seconds before it is reported to IFTTT. I have tried it and the performance is not acceptable. For now, I am using the ST-to-Hubitat integration to keep a virtual motion detector on Hubitat up to date with my Ring doorbell. This is almost instantaneous and allows me to turn on all of my outdoor floodlights in the middle of the night at the first sign of activity.

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