Smartthings Incident

Now that I'm not focused on outages I find myself googling info on new devices I want to add... not good. Earlier, I learned about the $20 zwave power strip, again, not good.

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I stopped looking because I'll just buy it when I find something interesting. Even if I don't have a planned use for it.

Even though I am subscribed, I am not getting the e-mails consistently. For instance, today's issue I never got an e-mail. But, I did get the tweet on twitter.

Tired of the emails, hit 'unsubscribe from updates' today.


I wish I can unsubscribe but until the remaining folks I support get on the wagon and move away I have to listen for the updates and wait for the phone calls where they say, "my lights didn't come on this morning."

These emails about being unresponsive is one of the reasons I dumped ST

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