Small Push button scene

i am looking for a small push button switch to control a scene that works. I got the Aqara but can't get it to work with the hubitat. I connects to zigbee but will does react to the push button action

i got what I paid for and all i could here was might not be supported.

so any suggestion on a small push button switch?


I think "small" is relative. The ThirdReality buttons are skinny, but a little long (since they take AAA batteries instead of button cell). They're about 3.5" long and 1" wide.


What I want to do is put the button up under a counter so I can just reach and push button.


My personal favourite in the compact button category is the Philips Smart Button.
Pairs directly to Hubitat, gives you pushed, held and released.
Has a very good magnet, and a small or large mount. A nice solid feel.
My batteries are lasting a long time, over a year so far.

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I've been happy with the Konke button (other than having to order from AliExpress). Pretty small zigbee button w/a driver available from Hubitat Community.

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