i am looking for a small push button switch to control a scene that works. I got the Aqara but can't get it to work with the hubitat. I connects to zigbee but will does react to the push button action
i got what I paid for and all i could here was might not be supported.
I think "small" is relative. The ThirdReality buttons are skinny, but a little long (since they take AAA batteries instead of button cell). They're about 3.5" long and 1" wide.
My personal favourite in the compact button category is the Philips Smart Button.
Pairs directly to Hubitat, gives you pushed, held and released.
Has a very good magnet, and a small or large mount. A nice solid feel.
My batteries are lasting a long time, over a year so far.
I've been happy with the Konke button (other than having to order from AliExpress). Pretty small zigbee button w/a driver available from Hubitat Community.