Sluggish performace on

Per @bravenel and @bobbyD ...most of us rolled back to 119. Now waiting for the next release and hopefully a fix. :sunglasses:

Bored this morning so I thought I would give @halfrican.ak idea a try. I upgraded to .121 again and then deleted the Nest Integration. Everything is running much better. VERY snappy!

Going to add it back in but only add my thermostat for now.

I couldn't roll back as there was an issue with the Zen Thermostat. I moved the presence app to WebCore and it works every time now. So there may be something changing with the presence code? And, I narrowed the front door issue to my Z-Wave lock. The contact does cause the virtual switch to fire. So, I just wait a few seconds and manually lock the front door if it doesn't.

I'm wondering how many of us that are having this issue were using the nest "presence" feature? I for one was using it, perhaps that's the culprit? Seems like might explain why some users aren't seeing a problem especially if they are only integrating cameras and protects?

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I'm using the nest integration with a thermostat and protect. I'm using a custom command to set the nest presence using rm. So far no issues.

I was before rolling back.

Since re-updating my hub to .121 I just have my Nest E in the app. Everything is great so far. Tomorrow I'll try to add in a Protect and see how that goes.

Also, just saw another post by Bruce...for the record I don't have webcore installed and haven't for a couple of versions. Took a month but everything is now in RM. :slight_smile:

I was having performance problems until I uninstalled Webcore. When I went back to RM, everything is much faster.

I have noticed, however, that when I first get up in the morning, the first time I go in the bathroom the rule to turn on lights by motion takes a while to fire. After the first activation, it's snappy again. Could the hub be "sleeping"? The logs show the motion is detected immediately, but the rule doesn't trigger.

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No, the hub doesn't sleep. Something else is causing this.

This is the sort of thing I see. I only have 4 webCoRE pistons running, the rest of my automations are RM. Also when I come in if I've been out for a few hours i can get this. This was happening before the .121 update, for me anyway.
I reverted a lot of my devices back to ST (wanted to prove it was not my devices/setup that was causing the issue) and they are now running quicker than they were on HE. (Using all webCoRE automation so everything is cloud based).
On HE I'm using Life360 for presence, so the recent posts about webCoRE and NEST presence do not refer to my setup.

We'll, my theory about nest integration causing this sluggishness seems to be debunked. Even with 0 nest devices integrated I just experienced the issue again. Unfortunately, I cannot roll back easily as I failed to make manual backup of A reboot seems to have brought things back to normal for now. Eagerly awaiting a work-around or fix for this issue.

Have you tried visiting http://yourhubip:8081 ?

Hah, I guess I just assumed that I needed a manual backup to roll back. Thanks!

It has helped my hub going back to the old rev

This. this has been my problem for some time. My lighting automations are very slow initially, and then after they've gone off once they are fast again for a while. it seems to happen to pretty much all my lights at one point or another, but certain ones seem to be worse. It doesn't seem to matter how things are automated as it occurs with the simple lighting automation, RM, and webcore. webcore shows there is a delay, often about 10,000 msec before things fire. Looking at the motion sensors in hubitat, they turn to active almost immediately, but then nothing happens for 10 seconds.

This has been driving me nuts.

I believe there is a long standing issue with ZWave and getting-a-word-in-edgewise. If there are a lot of devices that have something to say, the Controller Send may get pushed to the back of the line. Certainly it needs to Listen to all the traffic being sent as priority over Sending.

This thread from long ago (featuring some familiar faces) is worth a re-read. Thanks again @JDRoberts. I'll be sure to pause my GE switch refresh polls next time I do a Z-Wave repair :astonished:

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I setup a “zz-Pairing” virtual switch just for this purpose. I have several rules that are disabled when this switch is on. I prefixed it with “zz” to put it at the bottom of my list.

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No sluggish performance here with
87 z-wave
109 zigbee
30 virtual switches
But I also don't have webcore, Hue or Nest just smarttiles and Life360 connector. Life360 is not refreshing. No polling here either.

I reverted back to and Life360 at least is staying connected. On 1.1.2, Life360 wouldn't stay connected for more than an hour or so. I had to manually open the Life360 App and click DONE to get it to update presence status for our three phones.


Do you still need tickets to investigate this? I just updated, and everything is sluggish now.