Sluggish performace on

Just thought I'd echo some one the feedback here. I thought had fixed my Amazon Alexa Skill sluggishness yesterday, but it came back this morning. I'm getting the following error: :Error making Call to Alexa message gateway. Service Unavailable

Today I noticed that single lights would take 3-5 seconds to turn on/off via Alexa. At times, Alexa will turn on/off a light then about 5-6 seconds later say the device isn't responding


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Yeah exactly what I was seeing.

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After reading this thread I realized that I was complaining in another thread that my hub has been slow, I was thinking it was something in the zwave mesh but probably is the sluggish performance mentioned here. Thanks for the info.

Two days running I’ve had mine completely hang. Red light on the front, with no option apart from pulling the plug.

Is there anything I can check after rebooting towards a cause?

I’m monitoring and if it continues I’ll raise a ticket too. Thx.

Add me to the list

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Anyone experiencing this sore of sluggish performance is encouraged to roll back to Release, while we sort out what the problem is with

To do this, go to http://<your hub ip>:8081
(Don't actually click on that link!)

We will get to the bottom of this issue.


Hmmm, everyone here have a large Z-Wave mesh network?

I do only have one Z-Wave device and one Nest device, but I'm not experiencing any delays at all. Alexa is triggering virtual switches, which is triggering Insteon connected via Homebridge through HomeKit automation, and even with that crooked path to the end result, it's still controlling the lights before it can finish saying "OK". The remainder of my devices, except for a few direct connected Zigbee bulbs, motion sensors, contact sensors and Hue lights connected via bridge, are all responding quickly.

About 77 z-wave, 23 zigbee and 25 or so virtual devices :smiley:

1 Harmony hub
4 Lutron Pico's
1 nest thermostat, 3 protects, 2 cams

36 z-wave, 33 zigbee, numerous virtual switches

I've been ok since the upgrade. It actually increased the responsiveness of the web interface for me.

20 zwave
30 zigbee
14 hue bulbs
1 nest protect
3 sonos speakers
1 Rachio controller
4 lifx bulbs
2 harmony hubs
A bunch of caseta switches
And a few virtual switches.

I haven't integrated my ecobee thermostat and sensors yet...waiting a week or so to see how it settles in first.

This is interesting.
I have actually moved stuff back to ST as I was finding things were slowing down on HE. I moved them to see if it was my devices/setup etc. or HE.
I have found that things are quicker on ST at the moment. They never used to be.
On ST everything is using webCoRE so is cloud based.
I will follow this with interest.

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Would be nice if there are HUB performance information on the web interface. Things like memory usage would be nice so we can track it.


heres a similar request i had made some time back. though i should add personally have not seen my hub slow down with the .121 release.


Hopefully not deviating too far off the subject. But is there any way to receive warnings or alerts (pushover via webcore) if the hub hangs or drops offline? Had this happen to me last week whilst out of the country. I could have had some one reboot it if I was aware.

A screen displaying Linux 'top' data would be very nice to have.

Things I'd like to see are:

  • CPU Usage (Total, and by core)
  • Memory Usage
  • Flash Storage Usage
  • CPU Temperature (if available)
  • Network Usage statistics (LAN)
  • Zigbee and Z-Wave responsiveness (if such a metric exists. if not - make one up by sending a command to the Zigbee/Z-Wave stick and measuring the time it takes to process it)
  • Some sort of system resource utilization by App (built-in and custom)

Just a wish list... :wink:


I imagine you could rig up something via ifttt...

Thx Mike, I'll have a tinker

I went back to -- seems faster but will see if it misses routines

heres my current reboot hub on hung while away from home plan:

  1. hubitat hub powered by plug that is connected to smartthings hub
  2. smartthings hub powered by plug that is connected to hubitat hub

works like a charm … so far. :smiley: