If I saw a device doing that I would take a sledgehammer to it. Just my 2 cents.
Please try to adjust the reporting frequency for that device to only allow it to send updates every 30 to 60 seconds. There is no need to flood your Z-Wave mesh network with all of that traffic. This is a well known cause for performance issues.
I don't know about the Aeotec, but my devices also have an amount of wattage change setting. It looks like you could increase this much higher than you have now. You are set for changes of 5W it looks like? You probably could go to at least 10W, but on something large like a washer 25W or more would probably still work fine.
Doesn’t @csteele have a custom driver for this to tamp down the frequency of reporting?
I may be thinking of another Aeotec device, or maybe just hallucinated it from being trapped at home with 4 kids.
It's for an Aeon MultiSensor 6 to expose those options that don't appear in the Built-In driver. For this particular device, the built-in driver has those options. For a Washer or dryer, really, 150 watt is enough
You want to know when it's "Off" and that's anything under 10 watts. "On" is anything over 100 watts... for MOST washers and gas driers. There certainly are washers that are soooooo efficient that off to on is <15 watts, but those are better served by the LED detectors.
So now you understand why the dog chews the furniture!
This is not true, my 10 year old washer which cleans well will go down below 10w during the cycle, now normally its not this low for more then 5 minutes, so I just set the rule to below 5w for at least 5mins. It never goes below 4W though until you open the door and its completely off.
Oh you've got one of the new ones.
Mine is at least 15 yrs old and I have my monitor set to 4 watts for two reports to indicate OFF. It's also set for 200 watts for ON.
it only does this when the washing machine is on / running. - which is once a day during the day.
I dont have any motion lighting running during the day - only at night, does that make a difference ?
I have the both set to default, so change the power reporting threshold ?
Is that using a built-in Hubitat Driver? If so, what driver is it? I would ask @mike.maxwell for instructions on how to configure that device so that it only reports based on time, and not power fluctuations (if possible.) This way, the load on the Z-Wave mesh would stay very consistent. I had an old Aeon HEM v1 device that I configured to report data every 60 seconds, regardless of any power change. I used this for my washer and dryer laundry cycle complete notifications, and it worked very well for about 4 years without causing any problems.
this is the rule I made up for my washing machine
driver is the aeotec smart switch 6 driver, is that the right one ?
hey @mike.maxwell is there a way I can stop the device flooding the logs when its running ?
You're going to have to change the reporting parameter preferences, I can't say what to change them to, you'll have to play with it.
And be sure to click CONFIGURE after changing the power reporting preferences, just to be sure they are sent to the device.
sorry which one ?
power reporting value threshold
power reporting % threshold
power reporting intervals
I would experiment with the different settings to see what options are available. I don’t have the same device so I cannot give any proper advice on what settings to use.
By the looks of it the top right 'power reporting threshold' is the most important because by default that is disable. I would assume untill that is enabled the other 2 don't do anything? The power reporting interval could be the amount off time between a message, before it can be sent, or that every X it sends a message. With items I have that have similar settings I disable that, I don't see the point in pulsing a message when nothing has changed. So I only have a message on change off valve and only when it's a change of more than X.
I changed "power reporting % threshold" to 20% for now and see if that works.
Have you enabled the power reporting threshold aswell?